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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Make up or no make up?


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



Advice from guys can be a very good thing




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Well, I can't speak for all guys, but I'll answer them for myself...


1) Pretty, tall, athletic, genuinely kind and real personality, ability to dedicate herself to something she believes in and stick with it, ability to love and receive love unconditionally, ability to let herself be happy, similar sense of humor as myself, smart and insightful, good communicator.


2) Depends where we go, right? So dress appropriately for the situation and dress how they normally dress.


3) I like a balance between the two.


4) Again, depends where we go. Make up is good just not too much.


5) Can't jug alcohol like me? I don't care...actually I'd prefer it if she were a lightweight...get her in the sack faster... Just kidding...


6) I like holding hands!

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1) Starts with looks but personality can make you ugly fast...or conversely more attractive

2) Dress like you who you are...

3) Confidence and shyness can both be good depending on the situation

4)Make-up that looks like no-make-up

5)As long as you don't have a problem with me jugging what you do is irrelevant

6) Holding hands is no problem, but should be voluntary under no sense of duress/obligation

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1) Looks are important, but Im faily easy on that... Mainly I need to be able to talk to them, and be relatively interested in what they have to say. Trust is also important.

2) Depending on where we are... I just like them to look like they at least put some effort in

3) I would prefer someone who is shy, yet when she is around me she comes out of her shell

4)Depending on the person - if they look better with makeup, then go for it, but if they dont need it... It doesnt bother me I guess, so long as there isnt layers upon layers of foundation

5) Not at all...

6) I like holding hands, but I do get sweaty hands sometimes so it gets a little uncomfortable and unnerving

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1. What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman? Everyone is different, but I look for someone who is down-to-earth, respectful, and values the content of a person's character more than looks. Physically, I'm not attracted to goths, punk chicks, or girls that dress like gangstas. They're just not my thing.


2. How do men prefer women to dress on a first date? That would probably depend where we're going. Nothing formal, but not a t-shirt and sweats either. Just dress like yourself, but as you would in public.


3. Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing? Well, as someone who still has some shyness in him, I tend to like someone with both qualities. When a girl is shy, you have more control over the situation. And if she is confident, it puts things in perspective, which can sometimes push you out of your shell.


4. Make up or no make up? Little to no make up.


5. Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him??? That's infering that all guys drink, which isn't always true. I don't drink, nor do I plan to. But I probably wouldn't mind if she drank, but if she became an alcoholic and/or caused her to be drunk all the time, I would move onto someone else who has better things to do.


6. Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem? Again, all guys are different. I personally think it's cute.

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What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?

For me: Great sense of humor, smart, sweet and sensual.


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?

They don't have to dress on a first date if they don't want to. \\ Seriously, it depends on where the date is (bowling, movie, dinner out, rock climbing) but even if she looked less appealing than what is considered the norm, if she seems to take an interest in me and we click, her dress code wouldn't matter.


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?

I, a shy guy, like shy girls. If a gun were to my head and I had to pick between the two, I would go for quiet and shy since I hate attention to myself anyway. But again it doesn't matter to me because extreme confidence is also very appealing. It's two different ends of the spectrum that are both attractive to me.


Make up or no make up?

No makeup for me. The "just waking up in the morning" look get me all the time. \\ It also makes "dolled up" a special sexy occasion


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???

I don't drink, so I'll pass...


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?

I love to hold hands. Shows affection. I absolutely love it. Physical contact of any kind is a plus.

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.




1.) What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


2.) How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


3.) Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


4.) Make up or no make up?


5.) Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


6.) Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



Advice from guys can be a very good thing





1.) I like caring, kindness, loyalty, hygene

2.) Conservative is ok, sexy is awesome, dressing masculine is a NO NO

3.) Either. Just depends on their attitude. Some people can be outgoing or shy and still be jerks.

4.) Whatever the situation calls for. Make is fine a girl has learned how to apply it correctly.

5.) I don't mind.

6.) I like holding hands.

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1. She has to be someone who is understanding, or tries to understand you. Ask you questions, wants to know about you. Wants to talk to you. She needs to have inner strength. She gotta have good morals and be a good person. Someone who can sense things, like knowing what to say and how to explain things in good detail. Do you see what I'm getting here? It's just me though....high requirements I guess.



2. Dress like you would go to class. I don't really care, just wear whatever you have. Just as long it's not from the dumpster it's cool.



3. A mixture of both, confidence and shyness. No one is extremely confident all the time. You know that, come on now.



4. No make up....okay maybe a little but that's it.



5. Now see this is a stupid question. No offense, but I think you know the answer to this one already.



6. I don't like holding hands for a long period of time. I like putting my arm around her shoulder more. Everyone is different. Holding hands doesn't even matter. To me, it's pretty meaningless.

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Well, personally I'm very inexperienced in dating and flirting, but I do have clear ideas about what I like in women. I know I'm pretty atypical, but nothing turns me on more than a bold, aggressive woman who doesn't hold back about saying what's on her mind. I suspect I may have some kind of Amazon fetish.

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First off... why is all this related only to the "first date"? The things people are attracted to on the first date are the things they are attracted to one the second and third, too.

Second... every one of these questions depends completely on what kind of man you are looking for.


#1 attraction. It's not about how you dressed or whether you tried to hold his hand, it's all dependant on whether that spark appears that completely intrigues you about the person. You could do everything "right" and one guy will not be all that impressed, and one will fall head over heels that night, and never leave your side.


#2 Personally, anything but slutty is fine by me, but dress how you are. If you are extremely sexual, and you want him to know that, dress that way. If you are reserved, or not sexually active, don't lead him on.


#3 Confidence is always sexy, * * * * *iness is not. Be yourself, have your own opinions, carry your end of the conversation, fire off a few conversation staters of your own during those inevitable silences... Just don't give off the impression that you're more intersted in listening to yourself than getting to know him.


#4 This depends completely on you, and the setting of the date. If you're going to dinner, tasteful makeup is in order. If you're going to putt-putt golf... completely optional. I personally prefer girls that are comfortable without make-up on, or at least with very little done subtly. Not sure if I'm the "norm" there or not, but a lot of guys feel the same.


#5 ... if your first, second, or third "date" revolve around either of you getting tanked, you might be looking in the wrong places for partners. Jus my $.01.


#6 No, we don't hate holding hands... we just hate feeling like you're tugging us around like a boat anchor... or a puppy. We also hate feeling like we must be touching you at every moment or else we don't care. We don't hate holding hands, we just hate feeling like we have to every time you're within 3 feet of us =P

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Thanx for the replies, everyone!


These questions were just out of curiosity- usually we go to girl friends to get advice and opinions. I wanted a different perspective on dating in general, and mens opinion.


Thanx again!

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


every guy wants something different. there is a huge diversity of opinion here on ENA alone.


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


again, opinions differ. i would want her to wear whatever she felt most at ease in.


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


with the guys i know, it's about 50/50. put me somewhere in the middle.


Make up or no make up?


nah, don't bother. it gets in the way. unless you insist.


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


secretly... we don't give a hoot.


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?


it's just not a high priority for a lot of us.

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Make up or no make up?


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



Advice from guys can be a very good thing




Coming from a woman's perspective.... other than curiosity or conversation, i don't know why you're asking this -


i think you should be who you are. meaning you shouldn't morph youself, either physically or mentally to become some guy's preference.

i personally, can't stand it when my opinion becomes someone else's opinion - but i bet there are some people out there would prefer carbon copies of theirselves only in the form of the opposite sex. Pandering is something i can spot a mile away and is a fast turn off - quick!


anyhow, with respect to dress. i think that's part of the luxuries of being a woman. i love dressing up on dates, course you have to consider the venue. for instance, if i'm going to an upscale restaurant nice heals and a classy-sexy dress all the way!!! conversely, if we're going dancing - platform heals, mini shirt and form fitting top that accentuates the figure is always a nice way to turn heads including your dates!!!


personalities vary with most men. for instance, a straightforward no-nonsense approach can be quickly miscontrued for brash and abrasive. shy and meek can equal submissive and doormat. but again, it depends on the guy and his personal likes.


make-up. ahhhh..... i always say make up should be used appropriately for the time of day. meaning, you're foundation shouldn't look like you're wearing face paint. i think you get the point.

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oops...wasn't finished there -


alcohol - well let's just say that i'm 5'3 with an athletic, petite figure. i can drink along with the best of them... the only bad reaction i've gotten from a male is prolly resignation that "it's not gonna be easy or cheap getting this one in the sack." LOL !!!!! man i have to laugh at this bcuz it's sooo true and funny.


holding hands - i think when you really like someone it's special regardless of gender.

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To each of your questions, the answer it that it depends on the guy. We're all individuals and each of us likes different things.






I love holding hands with a woman. I don't know about other guys. i.e. - this isn't something guys sit around and discuss with each other. So I have no idea about other guys and hand holding. I only know I love it.


I prefer confident women because I'm shy in romantic situaitons. I don't think two shy people belong together. However, a shy person can fit well with a more outgoing one. However, I don't have requirements for this sort of thing. These are just my opinions.


What to wear on a first date? I don't know. That's up to the woman. Ask other women. However, I can tell you that from the point of view of a shy guy, I hope you won't dress to sexy because it will only make me more nervous. The sexy look can come later. That's just me though. Other guys may differ.


Make up or no make up? I have no preference. However, as I shy guy, the sexier you look the more nervous I will be. I'd rather you use little makeup. The sexy look can come later. That's just me though. Other guys may differ.


Do men really mind if the girl can't chug alcohol like him? I'm a guy and I can't hold much alcohol myself. I have no expectations for a woman's drinking abilities and couldn't care about that anyway. I suspect that most guys don't care. If anything, I'd think it cute if you can't hold much. However, all women I've ever been out with can hold more than me. Honestly, who cares about this? I don't think it matters.

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ohhhh charley..... you're shyness is sooo cute!


without tooting my own horn - i can tell you from the reactions and feedback i get from most men with respect to my appearance, is one that is perceived as somewhat intimidating. then i open my mouth and yikes, most men either think damn... this one's not stupid and easy or sh!! looks and brains - i don't think i can do this! LOL


i guess my point is that you shouldn't be intimated by a woman's appearance, if she's sexy and beautiful and is going out with you - then more power to you and her !


although, shyness is endearing, you shouldn't be intimated by someone's appearance to the point that you don't think you're not good enough for her.


personally, it gets kinda old being treated and paraded around like a trinket which i have been the recipient of on more than one occasion. most women would like this but i tend to think it's superficial and can see right through to someone's superficialness when they pander to me bcuz of my appearance.


in my opinion, there are many pretty girls out there, so in essense what differientiates me from let's say...this girl or that girl over there. specifically, if someone is valuing me solely on the merit of my appearance then they can move along. looks fade and if this is what's keeping my boyfriend or husband around then i'm gonna be in trouble as the years go by....

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


Honestly, I'm an odd ball because it really is quite open for me. The only requirements (I'm sorry to say) she has to be porportional, I'm not really attracted to overweight women, but at the same time if women are too skinny its an issue as well. Personality wise I am very open, I've liked country to geek, nerdy to Jock, overachiever to procrastinator. So i'm a little odd on that count.


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


They have to look nice. Not overly one way or the other; honestly, it depends on the date truthfully. If we're going mudding or skiing I wouldn't want her to dress in a formal gown, at the same time I wouldn't want her in blue jeans and a shirt, when we're going to a ball...


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Honestly, when I was extremely shy the extremely confident ones scared the crap out of me. Now the shy ones are still fun in there own right it just depends on if they will try to do stuff that I want to do? (Go out and dance! for example)


Make up or no make up?


This man right here, I've found women more attractive without makeup, but maybe they're just really good at putting it on that I don't notice it.


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


Honestly, most women can out drink me. In some senses I'm happy if a woman can't keep up with me.


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?


I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love holding hands; however, there are a multitude of reasons that other men might not like to hold hands.


*they feel whipped

*they feel too attached


are the ones I could think of.


Advice from guys can be a very good thing





You are certainly welcome

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What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


Intelligent, caring, mature and not too girly, able to have a reasonable conversation, funny.


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


I like a women to make an effort on the first date, just like the man should too. Something nice that the guy will not have seen her wearing before.


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Shyness can be good. Someone who is overly outgoing and too confident in everything they do can be off-putting.


Make up or no make up?


I like girls withoutmakeup. Sure, it can be nice to wear makeup and enhances your appearance, but you should like a girl with or without make-up.


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


People shouldn't be forced to drink.

It doesnt matter how much people drink. You shouldnt have to compare.


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?


I love holding hands.

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Make up or no make up?


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



Advice from guys can be a very good thing





1) for a first date, I'm not really looking for any qualities, I'm making sure she does NOT have certain qualities, such as bad manners, high maintenace, self centered attitude, heavy smoking, drinking etc.


2) not , otherwise I don't care. Or if we go to a fine restaurant and she knows it, I'd expect her to dress well (but we won't be going to a fine restaurant). Dress accordignly to the place!


3) Confidence is nice if it's real. Faking it is not good, better be natural and shy... it's probably just cute.


4) Too much make up is bad. Other than that, I don't care.


5) I don't drink at all. No I don't have a problem - I dislike the taste of beer, drinks are too expensive so drinking at bars and clubs is something I don't do.. at house parties I might taste some stuff but drinking is pretty stupid in my opinion.. and I don't like girls who drink too much. Some drinking, probably ok but don't get drunk!!!!!


6) Holding hands is cool. Just initiate it.... I might not remember to do it..

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I'm curious to read what the men in this forum have to say about this.



What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Make up or no make up?


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



Advice from guys can be a very good thing





1. I think it depends upon the guy.


2. Once again, I'm sure it differs among guys.


3. Make-up.


4. Some might, some may not. I, personally, would prefer my girl to NOT be a lush, but hey, that's just me. lol


5. Some men hate PDAs, some don't. Once again, I love that sort of thing; but I'm probably in the vast minority for men.

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What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?



You are asking about men in general or about the guys who happen reply to this post? Oh! I know. I could try to give you two answers, one for myself and one "other men", which probably just means my friends.


Qualities! It's hard to list them. Because there is no list I go through and check off when I met someone. I know what I like when I see it. But here're some things that come to mind:


I look for authenticity, for a woman who understands herself, and makes honest attempts to understand others. These traits are really obvious in conversation. If she speaks in reactions instead of thoughts, it's a dealbreaker.


Most of my friends are the same way. Sometimes we are more willing to make efforts to connect with women who dont know the meaning of the word introspection. At worst, it's because we're treating her as a means to an end. At best, because we give her the benefit of the doubt.



How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?



Of course it depends on the occation. I am interested in getting to know my date, so I prefer a everyday relaxing situation. She should wear whatever is normal for her. Many of my friends like to make extravagant first impressions, which of course means they want to be impressed by their date, as well. Setting themselves up for disillusion, I say. ](*,)



Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?



Confident. I dont need to feel like I have an advantage. Ego games. Why!



Make up or no make up?



Subtle makeup. Or none. But this isn't very important. For both myself and almost every guy I know.



Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???



What! Why would anyone mind? Drink as much or as little as you like!



Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?



It is okay sometimes. I just hate it when it is expected, or when it seems to be part of needyness.


So! Did this help?

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What kind of qualities do men really LOOK for in a woman?


Confidence, a sense of humor, seems loyal and trustworthy, can take care of herself, someone who doesnt need me in their life but wants me there. Looks matter, anyone who says otherwise is lying, but i think all people will agree a good looking person can become ugly once they open their mouth. looks grab attention, personality keeps it.


How do men prefer women to dress on a first date?


dress appropriate. however, some care should be spent on your appearance. obviously sweats and your hair in a ponytail looks like you didnt go through a lot of trouble. i dont like women who dress too slutty, but something sexy is always nice



Do most men prefer women who are extremely confident, or is shyness more appealing?


Confidence for me, i can be slightly shy at first, but once i warm up I am described as outgoing and the life of the party. although i will say a little shy can be appealing as well


Make up or no make up?


very little makeup i prefer natural beauty...if you look like you used a paintbrush to apply your makeup, we are going to worry about what you look like in the morning


Do men really mind if the girl can't jug alcohol like him???


nope. I'm not a big drinker myself. and if a girl can drnk me under the table, more power to her


Do you guys really hate holding hands?? If yes, why is that a problem?


no i love it. in fact it is a turn on for me



toic creator-i think you are very attractive(you asked) you can rate me if you want, as can the other girls

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#1 Qualities I look for may be different than others, it varies. I look for personality and some physical attractiveness. Someone who is confident with themselves and shows that she is possibly interested in me. Ideals and dreams say alot so if I meet a girl that tells me right off the bat that she never wants to get married, doesn't need a man to feel good about herself, that is a turn off. Not that I am looking for someone dependent, it just makes me wonder why she accepted the date in the first place. Kindness and apathy are very nice to see, there are feminine qualities like being more emotional, feeling more romantic, etc.. that are attractive. She doesn't have to be a model, or super attractive physically, as the personality comes out that makes less of a difference. Some degree of attraction is needed for both though, and people have different likes and dislikes.


#2 For a first date, depending on what you are doing, it is nice to have someone dressed down a bit but still look sexy. For a first date, I personally feel that there shouldn't be too much pressure on how dressed up you can get, that can wait for a few dates in when you really want to spend a night on the town. Jeans, sandals, whatever, makes me more relaxed and more likely to be myself openly and feel she is the same.


#3. Too much confidence can be a turn off, too much shyness can be a turn off. Again, no one wants to date someone thinking "why the hell did she even want to go out with a guy", but being too shy can get real annoying. Many if not most are shy, and by seeing that in someone else, it can be endearing, brings up similar feelings. I'd say a mix, I don't want someone who can't order their own food, but having someone scream out the window at traffic can be just as scary.


#4. A little make up, I am not a fan of make up really, but a little lipstick or eye makeup can go a long way, give the real wow factor. Too much and I wonder what she looks like without, and why she put so much on.


#5. I never expect her to chug alcohol, men in general can handle more than women anyway. If a guy is pounding beers on his first date, that isn't a very good sign anyway. If I have 2 beers, she usually has 1 and most girls don't drink more than 3 in a row unless they are planning on getting wasted beforehand. I try my best not to drink too much on dates, once you are together for a bit you can both get hammered and sloppy on each other. I've found that when you start out drinking heavily the relationship sort of depends on it which gets old fast.


#6. I love holding hands, if I can't get something out of my pocket without getting a look like I slapped her that can get annoying. I feel awkward holding hands early on in dating, because I don't know how she'll feel about it, it is sort of something you do once you cross the threshold where you know you really like each other. I don't know about most guys but holding hands or having an arm around each other is more than fine by me, wish more girls were into it.

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