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Birth control and weight gain


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Hi everyone,


Not sure if I'm putting this post in the right forum, but I will try anyways . . .


I just started using birth control about 2-3 months ago (the ring) and I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid but I've been feeling really bloated lately and it seems like my tummy is getting chunkier I tried to weigh myself at the gym the other day and the scale indicated that my weight is the same as before I started using bc. So my question this, how many women out there are currently on bc and have experienced weight gain? And if you you did gain weight, was it because the bc made you want to eat more? I've heard different stories. Some people have said that gave them a bigger appetite, and some have said that it just made them swollen I'm just wondering that if you do gain weight will it go back down if you stop using it?

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"RayKay paging RayKay you are needed in the birth control forum"


Seriously though all pills and women are different. I know there were a few I took that made me retain water and actually eat more. It depends on the hormone ratio. The belly pooch could be excess water or gas?


Consult your DR sometimes it takes a few different brands to get the right combo. Don't just stop taking them.

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Hormonal birth control can definitely have you retain extra water and bloat.


It mimics pregnancy, to prevent your body from ovulating, and part of that is that the synthetic hormones (estrogen and progestin) cause bloating and water retention. In some women, the excess estrogen can also cause weight gain as it also increases their appetite.


Everyone reacts differently to different brands and types of birth control. I had no weight gain on mine but I was also pretty physicall active and eating healthy, so it is hard to say if I would of if I wasn't. But it also led to other problems like anxiety and low grade depression. Others have more severe reactions. I was on it 10 years, and just went off it in April due to that and other factors and now use the non hormonal (copper) IUD instead. I have noticed that I do seem to retain less water


Sometimes you have to try different ones to find right one for you as well, or look at non-hormonal methods if you are worried about this, and other side effects.

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