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Lonely and blue even with the beautiful weather...

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I feel so alone even with my friends around.Just when I think I have found someone everything seems to either fall apart eventually or they don't end up having the same feelings.sometimes I don't think I will ever be happy.what is wrong with me? everyone says I am so pretty and sweet with a great personality,then what the heck?

I am totally in love with my guy friend and I recently met someone else for a date and things didn't turn out well.I am so misrable.Unlucky in love is the story of my life.I just want someone to love and for them to love me in return that is all.why can't I find it?


where is my happy ending?

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I'm in the same boat. But I've decided to work on it. I'm going to work on my self-esteem and observe other couples to see how they act. It's important that even though you may not have anyone, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You still have plenty of chances to find someone in life. Socializing is a great way to improve your chances. Don't get depressed. Simply think of ways to improve yourself and be happy with what you have now.

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