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Sleeping problems -- anyone else have this?

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The thing is that I don't have the same problem I did before with regard to sleeping -- not being able to get to bed before 7 a.m.. I'm actually tired now (12:00 a.m.) and could have probably went to sleep at 11:00 if I really wanted. But I don't want to go to sleep. I feel like there's still things on the back of my mind I have to resolve -- problems with friends, school, whatever it may be. And until I clear that up, I can't sleep. This can obviously cause problems if the conflict/issue on my mind will take a while to solve..


I'm just wondering what to do when you feel physically tired but your mind really resists going to sleep...?



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I've been getting better with dealing with stress by relaxing or just telling myself I can't control what happens in some situations. But if I 'relax' and 'enjoy my downtown' it's getting late. Like right now it's almost 12:30 and I have to wake up at 6:00. that's not much sleep. But right now I should go to bed. I think I will. I'm just so lazy I don't want to brush my teeth & take off my makeup, etc... maybe I won't. I think that is also making me avoidant, lol.

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Perhaps you have insomnia? If it's really bothering you, especially if it's maladaptive in day-to-day activities, I'd see the doctor. Something like Ambien or another sleep aid might help.


If it's not that, you might try listening to some relaxing music, trying to get some shut-eye (even if you're not literally assleep), and trying to feel as comfortable as possible when you try to sleep. Sometimes sleeping somewhere else for a while, like on a couch instead of a bed, can change my sleeping patterns in a positive way.


Also, try staying away from stimulating images, like TV... if that helps.

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I am in a similar situation. Except I don't stay up because I have a lot on my mind, but I stay up because I want to make more time. Not really even for anything in particular, but just conscious awake time in general to do whatever.


With you having all those things going on in your head, you're prolonging them by not really getting settled for sleep. You should set a time you're all ready to jump into bed, and you have to really relax your body. It can still be difficult, especially if you're like me and have a lot of caffeine.


Do you have any caffeine shorter than 5 hours before you're planning to go to sleep? It completely varies, but just a thought would be to have it way earlier, if you do at all.

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Yeah, I remember the last time I couldn't go to sleep. I was physically exhausted and I had to go to sleep because i had to get up and go to work and I was so annoyed at the time I got home and how long it took me to get home.


I watched TV and tried to relax doing that. I TRY to just lay in bed, in the dark and just focus on my breathing and nothing else, however, it's a bit hard for me when I'm all pumped up and stressed.


I also find myself online too if the other things don't work

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I suffered from quite severe insomnia (culminating in a five day no sleep incident).


The doctor ended up telling me the best way to get my sleep patterns right was to exercise to the point my body HAD to sleep. I used to run 20kms, at about 8-10pm at night. Then I would fall asleep pretty quickly after that


Side effect was that for the rest of my life I had a fantastic set of abs!

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Thanks for the ideas. I did get to sleep when I said I would yesterday. I think that just took willpower. But like another person said, I sometimes just don't like sleeping... for whatever reason, I just want more time to be up. Just to chill, talk with friends, etc. Maybe it's because I'm working all day, since 6:30 a.m. I'm up, then I work out for 2 hrs., by time I get home it's pretty late and I only have about 2-3 hrs. before I have to get to sleep.


I think the only thing I can do is get to bed earlier & tell myself I have to be in bed by a certain time & try sticking to that, no matter how short my day may feel. I'll try making the most of those 2-3 hrs. at home by talking with friends, etc.


But when school starts it will be difficult if I want to stay up I know... I'll likely only get 6 hrs. of sleep. But I'm getting used to it now so it won't be too bad.


Thanks for the suggestions. I usually work out 2 hrs every day & I find it really helps a lot as well! Hopefully I can just keep that up when school starts.



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