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How many women have orgasms with their lovers?

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My reasoning behind this thread is that we have seen here many cases of women reporting deep frustration with their sexlife and this in some cases has contributed to infidelity of women or frustrates their man which in turn may be infidel.


Thank you.


Nature evolved men and women to have orgasms.


Women, please post your experiences when being with your lover - male+female and female+female.


Do you experience an orgasm - feeling an emotional peak but less intense than the great orgasm below?


Do you experience an great orgasm - including feeling washing all over the body, a intense visual (bright) sensation followed by a short black-out (semi unconscious for a few seconds)?


If you do not experience an orgasm - please post how you feel - dissatisfied, used..


Please also include

Frequency of you encounters with your lover

Your success rate of reaching orgasm

How fatigued you are after an orgasm. Eg, could get up right away, like to nap, almost can't move.

Describe your feeling during the orgasm

Describe your feeling after the orgasm

Describe your feeling when you fail to orgasm


Is your lover understanding and caring your feelings?


Have you ever passed out - unconscious for more than 10 seconds or so?

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Are you writing a dissertation??


Here, possibly. Seriously I want to help couples understand that sexual satisfaction of women is extremely important.


My reasoning is that we have seen here many cases of women reporting deep frustration with their sexlife and this in some cases has contributed to infidelity of women or frustrates their man which in turn may be infidel.

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Ok, well call me a feak but I have no problems whatsoever with multiples and still feeling alive, being heavily pregnant too makes it more enjoyable lol.


Frequency of you encounters with your lover: Daily

Your success rate of reaching orgasm: Every time and at least 4

How fatigued you are after an orgasm. Eg, could get up right away, like to nap, almost can't move.: Pause momentarily to catch a breath but gung-ho to carry on.

Describe your feeling during the orgasm: Total Euphoria from head to toe.

Describe your feeling after the orgasm: Sexual frustration as I would keep on going.

Describe your feeling when you fail to orgasm: When I used to fail I felt disappointed for hubby and a little failed in myself.


Is your lover understanding and caring your feelings? Absolutely, he hates me pushing myself too hard


Have you ever passed out - unconscious for more than 10 seconds or so? No, never



Looking at this I can see why my hubby say's I'm high maintenance

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...being heavily pregnant ...

What a wonderful hubby

... Looking at this I can see why my hubby say's I'm high maintenanceKeeps hubby fit and young and running home fast everyday - just as nature intended.


Guess you have "great ones"++, I am happy for both of you.


Thank you for answering so comprehensively.

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I do not orgasm ever with a lover of either gender.


I currently have sex about 5 times a week.


I orgasm in under a minute by myself, and its tingly all over and wonderful. I do that 2-3 times a day.


My boyfriend certainly tries, without pressuring, to give me an orgasm, but it does not work.


That'd be it.


Hi Superstar,


Your boyfriend must be sad that you can't orgasm with him. Masturbating 2-3 times per day is too much when you want to get off during intercourse. May I suggest that you stop masturbating until he can get you off. He would be proud (honestly) and you would feel closer to him too. I hope it does work better this way, if not, perhaps the holiday environment next month will make it happen.

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I hardly ever orgasm, in the sense of the whole rippling muscles, rushing feeling all over my body, etc. Its happened once with my BF, a few times solo. Lol.


But, I do get incredibly pleasureable feelings that sort of build up until they reach a certain point and it just... stays there. If I manage to get past that, I orgasm, but the rest feels so damn good anyway i'm not disappointed at all if I dont orgasm... Its so bloody hard though I guess I dont expect to orgasm now, though.


Frequency of you encounters with your lover At least over 4 times a night every time we get together, which is about once or twice a week

Your success rate of reaching orgasm It feels good every single time, but my success rate at reaching an orgasm... shocking!!

How fatigued you are after an orgasm. I guess i could get up right away if I really needed to, like if I just suddenly spontaneously combusted... but i'd much much rather just go straight to sleep, haha.

Describe your feeling during the orgasm really really happy and not feeling anything

Describe your feeling after the orgasm really really happy and incredibly content.. like I just forget about everything

Describe your feeling when you fail to orgasm I dont care, coz i had a good time anyway!

Is your lover understanding and caring your feelings? Very!! He's a sweetie lol

Have you ever passed out - unconscious for more than 10 seconds or so? Can't say I have..... man, passing out after that... must've been intense lol

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Me and my boyfriend aren't having sex yet and don't plan to for a while. Whatever we do, be it oral or manual stimulation, almost always ends in an orgasm for one of us. Sometimes both of us. Because we both live at home, being together is difficult so mostly when we meet it's a release of built-up frustration and lust, which is very intense and steamy


Frequency of you encounters with your lover: We see eachother once a week and that usually results in a good 5 hours pleasing eachother.

Your success rate of reaching orgasm Almost 100% with different types.

How fatigued you are after an orgasm. very very tired. just want to stay still for a bit. Sometimes go to sleep for a bit.

Describe your feeling during the orgasm Usually a flood of heat accross my body, accompanied by shaking and sweating.

Describe your feeling after the orgasm Content and satisfied. And usually grateful and loving towards my boyfriend.

Describe your feeling when you fail to orgasm I don't mind because it usually feels go anyway.

Is your lover understanding and caring your feelings? Yes. He always makes sure I'm ok and I'm enjoying myself.

Have you ever passed out no.

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Frequency of you encounters with your lover: Daily

Your success rate of reaching orgasm: Nearly every time -- depends on if it's a quickie or not, too though. I can get it pretty easily in about 5 minutes.

How fatigued you are after an orgasm. Eg, could get up right away, like to nap, almost can't move.: Depends on the intensity and how many I've had. The first one I just need time to get my body to calm down (2-5 min). The second one is about as much as I can take, and then after we're done, I need time to cuddle or if he doesn't want to cuddle, need time to relax/nap.

Describe your feeling during the orgasm: Tingling feeling on the clit, the hole is extra sensitive, etc.

Describe your feeling after the orgasm: Relaxed, calm, content, fullfilled.

Describe your feeling when you fail to orgasm: Doesn't happen very often, but getting frustrated only makes it harder... So we just relax, take our time, slow it down, and try again

Is your lover understanding and caring your feelings? He tries to be. He has an agenda too, though, you know


Have you ever passed out - unconscious for more than 10 seconds or so? No, this is an interesting question -- never heard of it.

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Thank you everyone for the comprehensive posts. Please keep them coming.... :splat:


My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and I've only had an orgasm one time.


Sad to hear that. I would feel guilty in his place. May I suggest that you start a thread in in sex/romance forum and we discuss how to resolve this.

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