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I know this girl for a looonnngggg time, we go back when we were in High School. She's now 19 and I'm 22. Anyways, we never had a fight, we're able to finish each other sentance, we support one another in anyway possible, and we enjoy each other's company. We also have almost the same personality and sense of humor. Last night, we came to a conclusion that we're pretty much compatiable with one another. We both do love one another, and well yea. It's just recently that I've been wondering if she's my soulmate. So what do yall think?

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Long time? 5 years? Doesn't seem THAT long. I consider my best friend someone who I've known for a long time ... as in almost 20 years.


Anywho, I don't know. Some friends just get a long super well like they are meant for each other. I think friends can be soulmates.


Are either of you attracted to each other or just love being friends?

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Sounds good to me. Being able to communicate well is the key to any lasting relationship. Hard to know if she's your soulmate since the relationship sounds only a couple of years old and marriage (or whatever) lasts a lot longer, but it sure sounds good so far. By the way--expect a fight at some point. Being able to fight well is also a key to a good relationship and not something to be feared--unless it happens too frequently and/or too violently. Best of luck!

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I know this girl for a looonnngggg time, we go back when we were in High School. She's now 19 and I'm 22. Anyways, we never had a fight, we're able to finish each other sentance, we support one another in anyway possible, and we enjoy each other's company. We also have almost the same personality and sense of humor. Last night, we came to a conclusion that we're pretty much compatiable with one another. We both do love one another, and well yea. It's just recently that I've been wondering if she's my soulmate. So what do yall think?


I can't tell you (a stranger) whether she (another stranger) is a soulmate for your or not. Heck even if I did know both of you, I can't tell you!


Everyone has their own definition and idea of what a soulmate is. Ultimately, whom the one is for you is the one you choose is the one.


Whether you finish one anothers sentences or not does not determine if they are your soulmate, nor does never fighting (in fact, disagreements ARE healthy, because you ARE individual people. It's about how you disagree that matters. Disagreeing is a chance to communicate and build something stronger together. I get suspicious when people "never fight" because often it is because one or both are afraid of conflict...and this comes out down the road. I have seen MANY couples whom "never fight" split up).


What ultimately it comes down to is if you love one another and want to be together, and work together to communicate, you communicate, and both put an effort into the relationship, then whatever you define it as - soulmate, partner, lifemate - it doesn't matter.


Are you attracted to one another? Do you both want a romantic relationship?

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Like everyone else said, people have their own definitions of what a soul mate is. I think a soul mate is someone who you click with, and you feel like you've known them forever, and that they'll always be there for you. So going by my definition, yes, she's one of your soul mates. But again, your definition is probably different. So it's up to you to decide.

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it seems silly to believe that there is one and only one person alive who is a 'perfect match' for another, and i reject that notion.


but here's the Wiki definition:


Soulmate (or soul mate) is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a subjective, emotional feeling of deep affinity, friendship, love, strong intimacy or compatibility.


does that describe her, Sean?

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it seems silly to believe that there is one and only one person alive who is a 'perfect match' for another, and i reject that notion.


but here's the Wiki definition:


Soulmate (or soul mate) is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a subjective, emotional feeling of deep affinity, friendship, love, strong intimacy or compatibility.


does that describe her, Sean?


Yes it does.

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From your description, Sean, it sounds like you two go together like peas and carrots (as Forrest Gump would say). But I wouldn't rely on some definition, especially from a site like Wikipedia, where anyone can manipulate the definition... and especially in defining "soulmate", because that is subjective.


That said, I think you should go with your heart and take things as they come. Good luck!


And even if you aren't romantically involved, having that kind of friend is rare, and something that should be cherrished. I have been fortunate enough to have grown up with my neighbor buddy, and even though we're friends, he's like a brother to me. I must have known him for 14 years or so. THAT'S a long time.

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easyguy, you so missed the point of my posting the Wiki def. of course it's subjective! it's a concept!


Sean wanted to know if he could consider her his "soulmate", and i showed him that he could if he darn well wanted to. it wasn't meant as a scientific test, for corn's sake.


my other motivation was not to let him think that she was the only girl he could ever have those feelings with, because that's another definition of "soulmate" that can have a negative effect on a person's hopes somewhere down the road--dig?

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