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everythings kind of hitting me at once

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I can sympathize with you. I have had a ton of crap fall on me all at once before. Especially the last few years, seems to be one thing after another.


I have also gone through the lack of concentration and the much lack of sleep.. I wish I knew an easy answer to tell you, but I don't.


I just take a day at a time, and I know that sounds so old and cliche'. But that is the only way I know to go forward and deal with situations.

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What you're going through it's normal, it happens to everyone, that's what it's call "having a life". What really matters is how you handle the stressors. If you're so depress you can try talking to friends or going to clubs, gym, and other activities or you can come here whenever you need help.

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Find a good way to deal with stress. It's important that whatever you choose is something that will get your mind off of your problems. I jog whenever I feel depressed or stressed on a particular subject. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something fun and helps relax you. I suggest exercise. It helps get the blood pumping and makes you feel good afterwords.

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