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Do girls dislike tall guys ?


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I was jus wondering about this tonight because everytime im with my female friends or some girl i know, they always like..."ur pretty tall man" or " ur quite tall for a spanish guy" make it sound like its a bad thing, i feel like telling em to buy some high heels so they wouldnt feel that way about me... so my question is do most girls think tall is bad, and do most like average size??

btw im 6,0 ft

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Dude it'a usually the othwer way around, they prefer tall guys.


and 6 feet isn't too tall. Something like 6'7 us pretty damn tall. 6 feet is pretty average nowadays.


I wish i was at least 6 feet. I'm 5'9.

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Ha! I just recently posted a thread regarding guy's height.


Some women like men tall, some like them short, some don't care.


I don't think tall is bad. My boyfriend's probably a bit below the average male height, well maybe American male height. He's a few inches taller than I am and I'm around 5'2"-5'3". I like him just the way he because our faces are closer and we don't have to look up/down too much at each other.

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maybe you are just too young.


most girls I know who are older (me included!) looooove tall men! 6'0 isn't overly tall. I think about 5'9 is average for men in the US.


its not that im young, im 21..i think i stopped growing

they jus make it sound like its a weird thing, i guess its the latinas, cuz most latinas r short

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I think 6'0 is a pretty decent height. Not to make you feel bad, but I don't think you're too tall at all. I don't know what is with these women - maybe they should start wearing heels! If they start in on you, just start teasing them and calling them "shorty!"

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This is unrealted but is it true that the the taller the guy the bigger his swhang is? and also the bigger the swang the more girls like that person and the bigger the schwang the more the pleasure for the girl? im really having trouble with this issue?

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i hate tall guys!!! cos i am shorter then 6" and i am a guy.


Get a good look at this Shadowcat...despite being tall you should start weight training and mixed martial arts training now because this is going to be the reaction of every drunk short guy at 3am in your local bar when they see a girl talking to you...

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Nothing wrong with being tall! 6'0" is not even that tall....I know guys whom are 7' and have no problem with females being interested in them!


When I was younger, I admit I preferred people closer to my height (ie 2-4 inches taller than me) though I had dated some taller men in there, but my boyfriend is 6'3"ish, and I love it! Would not change him for the world. Before he met me he preferred girls above 5'6", but he changed his mind pretty darn fast when he met me

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oh god 6'0 and you're complaining?!


Im 6'7 250 pounds (13% body fat so no i don't have boobs lol i play football)


small children run from me on the streets nah jk jk they always want to climb on me


seriously though 6'0 is fine, i dont know what kinds of girls you are around but they must stand 4'5 or something...


most girls i talk to say that i actually am a little too big but you know what? Thats fine, i'd rather date a 6'0 girl who will love me for me when im in the NFL making that money because im "too big"

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Get a good look at this Shadowcat...despite being tall you should start weight training and mixed martial arts training now because this is going to be the reaction of every drunk short guy at 3am in your local bar when they see a girl talking to you...



LmAO werd ......

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i love how my bf is over a foot taller than me. it makes me feel protected and stuff. there are the disadvantages (pretty much cant dance together, i have to like jump to kiss him)but theres pros and cons for everything. i wouldnt dig too deeply into height

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i love how my bf is over a foot taller than me. it makes me feel protected and stuff. there are the disadvantages (pretty much cant dance together, i have to like jump to kiss him)but theres pros and cons for everything. i wouldnt dig too deeply into height


my ex ex girl friend was always complaining how in order to kiss me she had to go 2 straircase steps up to reach my face lol

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Many women prefer taller men. However, I wouldn't call 6' very tall. To me 6' is average to small. My dad is 6' 4" and my smallest cousins are my size. Many of them are 6' 4" up to 6' 7".


I'm 5' 10" now. I used to be 6', but that's another story (car crash).


As a medium height guy, this issue doesn't affect me much. Maybe I only thought I was medium height. Ladies, do you think 5' 10" to 6' considered tall? If so, that's news to me.


Shorter guys make up for it in other ways. For example, if a guy is macho, he looks a lot bigger and taller than he is, even to other men. Why do you think there's so many cocky short guys around? No offense intended to any short guys.


Also, if a guy is smart enough and respected enough for accomplishments and authority, he looks taller than he is, even to other men.


So ya, taller guys have an advantage in one area, but no biggy.




As an example, I have a good, older male friend whom I respect and look up to. I remember once when I was in my 20s being at his house and we were working on a car. He was about 66 then, but a very fit guy. Also he's whip smart. To me he was a father figure. Anyway, it was cold wintertime. I hadn't brought any overalls. He suggested I could use a clean pair of his. Apparently we both thought he was bigger than he was. I was amazed to find that I couldn't even get into them. They were to tight and way to short. Jeeze! My friend was just a little guy! I'd never noticed that about him before. I always thought of him as a big guy. A big attitude counts as much or more than a big or tall body. That's a fact.

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Dude. Snap out of it. I think those women are hitting on you and complimenting you. I think they're attracted to your height and letting you know that in a flirty, teasing way. You're being insecure. Just have some confidence and enjoy the attention.


Next time one of them says anything about your height, just smile and be happy knowing she wants you. That's what it means, IMO and IME.


In addition, she wouldn't call you tall to be mean or to belittle you. If she felt that way she'd say nothing about your height. I think she's liking it.


If I'm wrong, then get another woman who likes you as you are.


But I think I'm right. It's probably a flirty, teasing, compliment and you're freaking out because you're a bit shy. Also, you are young. No offense, but 21 is very young. So maybe you don't have enough experience to know when a girl is coming on to you with compliments. They often do this in a teasing way. Don't confuse being teased in a complimentary way (flirting) with someone picking on you - two totally different things. Girls only tease guys they like. They don't waste their time on the rest of us.


FYI - my brother-in-law is a "tall" Latino at 5' 10" and married to my 5' 7" sister. My sister isn't attracted to his height because for her, he doesn't have much. She likes his light brown color and dark eyes. He likes her light white skin, blue eyes, and naturally blonde hair. My point? There's plenty of other things people like beside height issues. Don't obcess on it, but enjoy when it happens.


5' 10" is not tall in my opinion for the USA. However, this is very tall in the mind of most Latino and Asian women, and shorter white women. I've triggered the tall response in these women myself before. I should have been flattered, but instead I was a bit confused at the time because I'm one of the shortest men in my family and alway thought I was short. So while a short gal was drooling over my "height", I was wondering "what height?".


However, after getting older and more mature, I know realize it's not about how tall you or she is that matters. It's the difference that triggers the response. Now that I'm mature, I just enjoy her "height" response if it happens with woman who's shorter than me.


I also respond strongly to shorter women. i.e. - it's a two way street. At a distance of more than 20 feet away from me, I find that a woman's height does not matter to my attraction. At that distance I'm noticing legs, T and A, hair a bit, face a bit. However, if they're standing right in front of me, I'm looking at her face. There is something very sensual and attractive about a woman looking up into my face, if she's making continuos eye contact (with or without talking to me). I like this so much it makes me blush and get dizzy. So if short girls like me, I darn sure like them too. I think the strongest attractions I've felt are to women shorter than me. I'm also attracted to taller women, but not with the same "makes me dizzy" intensity.


You could start dating taller women, but you'd be cheating yourself. Just date who's attracted to you that you share a mutual attraction with. That might well be shorter women. Might be taller ones too. Don't set rules about height. Just go with whoever likes you and you like.


NEVER tease a short woman about being short, IME. That is one thing many of them are sensitive and insecure about. You could hurt her feelings and self image. When she teases you about being tall, it's a flirty compliment. If you tease her about being short, you're being insensitive and cruel, IMO. I think teasing should be limited to complimentary teasing only. To her, being called short might be an insult.

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LOL. I could care less whether a man is short, average, tall.


I'm 5'2. The bf is 6'2. He likes to tease me about being short. No problem. I like being short - actually, growing up I was rather pleased about it. I don't see anything wrong with any height.


In my experience though, men like to feel tall and big. I've even caught the bf bragging about being big ('they know not to start with me. blahblah') lol.


Whatever size you are - there is a man/woman out there who will love you. So 'forget about it'.

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