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In public...?

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Ok I need opinions... I just started going out with my boyfriend a week ago, and obviously when it's all new you want it to be all private and romantic and so kissing, making out happens when the two of you are alone normally. But I just NEVER want to do that stuff in public. I don't know if this is normal. But we were on the bus the other day and he tried to start kissing me and make out but I said no. Another example, we went to the park and i didn't want to do anything unless it was in a totally secluded place. I just don't feel comfertable doing that kind of stuff infront of random people. Does anyone else feel this way?? I just want it to be all sweet and special: totally alone. Not just for the first few days, but for the whole relationship.


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I think that's respectable. I'm the same way...I'm more private. I have dated people who wanted to be way more affectionate than I did in front of other people and would just try to kiss me.


Just talk to your boyfriend about how you view intimacy and that you think physical intimacy should be something that the two of you do in private. He should understand unless he's some kind of extreme exhibitionist.

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well just to throw in some guys opinion in here....


he should definitly respect your wishes regarding the whole public affection issue...but in my opinion, guys are more of a physical creature....so when he is with you out in public he obviously wants to show you AND the world how wonderful you are...etc....and guys' way of showing that? giving you a kiss!


i think u two should meet at midpt....i mean to totally take that show of affection away from him is like telling you that you cannot tell him you love him in public....catch what im trying to say?


maybe making out in public (especially in a bus) is a lil much....but in MY opinion it be kinda wrong to fend off a kiss....


but then again...he should respect your wishes and your feelings...

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well... i think it all depends on the person, i mean to me its nothing to be ashamed of, but i have friends that feel the same way... i mean i have a friend that doesnt like to kiss in public, it depends on the person. I suggest you talk to your bf and come to an agreement it's all about getting used to it. Maybe you guys can find a happy medium Not making out every second in public but not avoiding kissing either. Maybe you can go to the movies nice and dark make out and around other people just a peck now and then. Good Luck ^_^

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I know exactly how you feel. I've discussed PDA with my boyfriend a couple times and we've both agreed to keep our intimacies private. I don't like to draw that kind of attention to myself, and I'd rather not make people around me sick to their stomaches. I don't find that kind of stuff pleasing to look at, and I know it'd make me feel awkward as well if I were walking with my parents or a child or something and there were two people going at it on a park bench, you know? I see nothing wrong with a little peck in public, but to me, any more than that crosses the line.


Anyway, just talk to your boyfriend about it and tell him honestly how you feel. Communication is very important, and if he respects your wishes, he'll let up a little bit on the public smooching.

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i'm with CB. if you want to swap spit, get a room, i always say. or go out in the middle of a desert... but don't put me off my feed!


and on the flip side, i don't want some stranger staring at me when i'm trying to get my own freak on. it's so distracting...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, Personally I don't mind kissing in public to an extent, no tongue and its fine IMO (Actually, I don't mind what other people do.. I'm just not comfortable frenching infront of friends... My girlfriend is, though. >.

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i personally dont think there's anything wrong in kissing in public, i wouldn't let my boyfriend start touching me in public, but i kiss and a cuddle is completely fine. ur not kissing coz theres people there, ur kissin coz u want to.

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