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A Guy's Opinion Please :)


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OK guys...question: how would you feel if a girl came and talked to you out of the blue?

There is a really cute guy that waits at my bus stop after work...I've only seen him there for about a week and a half, and not everyday (I THINK he might be new...). I catch him looking at me, and he catches me looking at him. I would love to talk to him, but not sure if it would freak him out or something. Whatare your thoughts? Thanks so much

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im not a guy so i cant say how a guy would feel. but ive done exactly waht you said what you wanted to do and its worked for me. the guys ive encountered have never been scared of my out-going personality. in fact they think its great that i have the confidence to approach a guy. i think you should go for it. whats teh worst that could happen, right?

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So how cute is this guy? Like Matt Damon? or George from Seinfeld...? Do you see yourself sharing bus tickets in the future? Or maybe just a date? I think he'd be flattered if you talked to him, unless he is married or has a girlfriend. If you want to get to know him better, ask him out on a date. It couldn't hurt, and you could get to know him better. Just don't ride the bus to dinner, that might turn him off


how would you feel if a girl came and talked to you out of the blue?

My wife wouldnt like it!

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OK guys...question: how would you feel if a girl came and talked to you out of the blue?

There is a really cute guy that waits at my bus stop after work...I've only seen him there for about a week and a half, and not everyday (I THINK he might be new...). I catch him looking at me, and he catches me looking at him. I would love to talk to him, but not sure if it would freak him out or something. Whatare your thoughts? Thanks so much

The only thing that would freak him out is if you turn green when you get angry.


I was in a similar situation. I liked this girl at my bus stop, and I saw her everyday after work. Now, she was what we call "stunning", so I was intimidated and also didn't know what to say. I tried so hard to strike up a convo, but I am not good at doing that without coming off like a silly goofball.


If she came up to me and talked to me, honestly... I would've fainted. Upon waking up, I wouldn't be freaked out or anything. Even if a girl I didn't pay attention to came up to me out of the blue and started talking about yither and yonder, there is nothing wrong with that. I have had conversations with strangers who I frequently see on the bus, and every other time I see them, it's always, "Hi, how are you..." which may or may not lead to a deeper conversation.


At worse, you have a travel companion. At best, you're taking that bus to a restaurant for an intimate dinner. \\

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I love it when random girls come up and talk to me. It doesn't happen has often as I please but when it does happen, it makes my day. If this whole "just walking up to him and saying Hi" seems a bit too forward for you, think of a sly way to strike up conversation like "How bout dem Lakers..." Kidding but, be creative and just place yourself in his shoes and think about what you would want.

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Hey everyone....well, he wasn't there today...so I couldn't do it I am a very shy person and this is very hard for me to do, especially with him being so cute Everytime I think about doing it in the day I feel like I can, but when it comes down to it, I don't know if I will be able to. I don't even know if he has a gf...but there's nothing wrong with saying hi. If I turn the situation around, I know that I would love it if a cute guy came up and said hi to me... I guess I'm just looking to be told guys would like it too and not find it weird. Thanks for the advice..now to work up the guts to do this.

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Please do it, just so that I know there is hope for such things.


Everytime I think about doing it in the day I feel like I can, but when it comes down to it, I don't know if I will be able to.

What is the fear? I mean what exactly are you afraid might happen. List your fears and maybe we can conquer them here so they won't plague you there.


...but there's nothing wrong with saying hi.

ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!

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Any guy would love it, because its a rare treat!! Well, it would be for me. lol.


I agree with the above!! I mean, really, whats the worse that can happen?!?! and thats the way you got to look at it when youre working up the guts.

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Hmmm...what am I afraid of...? I honestly don't know...I guess it's just out of my comfort zone...like I said I am really pretty shy! I am a cute girl, and I don't think he's out of my "league"...I know I have nothing to lose by saying hi...guess the worst thing that could happen would be he says hi but is not interested in conversation...I don't know. I need to start taking risks! Nice risk eh...saying hi to a guy... Oh well, we'll see.

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Honestly, if it were me.


She'd be put in front running if I liked her, hell if she was attractive she'd be put there.


However, since I'm currently really liking a girl, I might have to politely decline. (that was added because sometimes you can really like it, but have to say no because of other reasons)...

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