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Is this a sign that he is attracted to me?

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I was recently at a party and walked into the kitchen to help bring stuff out. This guy that I sort of have a crush on was standing at the oven handing trays out....As soon as he saw me though,he handed the next tray to me( even though 2 other girls were waiting for trays before me!) And than as I took the tray from him, I felt his hand cover mine from underneath the tray and we stayed that way for about 3 seconds..and than we separated...Was he flirting with me? Or was he just stablizing the tray?

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It's possible. If he likes you too, then he would definitely be nice about it around you. Plus since your hands touched, than that is a good sign, too. Though I wouldn't call this a clear indicator; it could just be he was being nice. Have you noticed any other signs?

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In my general experience (approx. 25 years of dating and relationships) if a guy is interested and available- emotionally and otherwise -- he will ask you out on a proper date that he plans in advance. Anything other than that I would think might be cute, flattering, shows some interest and I would give it no more than a fleeting "how cute" thought. There will be people who flirt with you like crazy and have no interest in anything beyond, and people who you never imagined had any interest who call you and ask you out. The asking out is the only concrete sign of romantic interest in the beginning and it simplifies life and gets rids of that over-analysis of any other so-called "signs" of interest.

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One of my guy friends always gives me a hi-five whenever we pass by on campus. Once he gave me a hi-five after stopping to talk to me, and our hands stayed together a few seconds longer than normal, and I was the one who pulled my hand away first. Is it a sign that he likes me? No.


Sometimes these kinds of things happen. He likes you, but he doesn't necessarily like you. I wouldn't take this as a sign of anything more. You could try flirting with him and see how he responds, I guess? Otherwise I don't think you can figure out his feelings toward you from just a 3-second contact.

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