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Kleo, reall issue in here is, if you are not comfortable, then there is no point in pursuing a relationship with her.


If she smells because she doesn't use deodorant or because she doesn't bathe enough, I dont' know, but I would asume that if she doesn't care about her armpit smell, she won't care about smelly feet nor vulva. Don't know for you, but for me, going down on a girl and feeling a penetrating smell that tries to kill my nose is a BIG turn off.


Now, it seems that people in here are trying to convince you that body odor is fine, I don't think that is fine. I think that you should talk to her, if she also forsees a future relationship with you, I think that being a little bit more considerate with her personal higiene won't be that hard.

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I had a friend that had such sensitative skin, she could not wear anything on her skin. This went from laundry detergent to deodorant, to perfume, to fabric softner. She did not use soap, she used a cleanser.


Get to know the person before you kick them to the curb because you think they smell differently. I am sure we all have had times where we smelled a bit ripe for some reason.


Do you want to get to know the person, or do you just want to be with them for the looks?

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I had a friend that had such sensitative skin, she could not wear anything on her skin. This went from laundry detergent to deodorant, to perfume, to fabric softner. She did not use soap, she used a cleanser.

I've had similar problems, it took me years to find the right products that didn't make me break out.


I'm fastidious so I could never allow myself to be smelly or go without showering regularly. My skin suffers due to my self-conscious cleanliness, I have painfully dry skin, but I still maintain the expected standard for the culture I was raised in. So don't think deodorant and soap is all good, it has its problems

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I once dated a girl who considered herself "a riot grrrl." She didn't use deodorant or shave her legs too frequently...I was repulsed at first but the more i got to know her the more it turned me on!...but for me alas, I would have to broach the subject...just be delicate about it...she might not even realize...

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It is possible that some people just don't sweat so much, or don't smell bad. Maybe she showers alot and that takes care of any BO.


If it is really that big of an issue to you or she basically smells horrible, you could always try to get her some. While talking about perfume and cologne you could bring up the fact that, "oh I like Axe, what's your favorite kind of deodorant?" or if you see something on sale at Walmart or what not... you can be like, Oh such-and-such deodorant is on sale, do you want me to pick some up while I'm over there?" Try to be gentle and subtle. You can say, "I'm running low on deodorant, do you want some too?"


Hopefully, this is something you can work out, because it'd be a real shame to pass up an opportunity with what seems to be a really great girl over an issue like deodorant.


Also, if you pursue this and you two become closer and more comfortable with each other, it could be easier to bring this up directly. You can say that it's one of those small things that bother you and you would really prefer if she wore deodorant. Everyone has their preferences and she might understand.


Good luck.

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