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Wisdom Teeth Be-GONE!

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Well it's been about 3 days since i've gotten my wisdom teeth out, and I'm well on the road to recovery. After taking the sedation pill two hours before the surgery (which definitely entertained the nurse and my mom), I was waiting in the chair. Before I could say "extraction!" I was out like a light, and seconds later, awake in a wheelchair, being wheeled to the car.

After being on a liquids only diet for the past two days (spaghetti-o's, soups, etc), I decided to see if I could stomach a cheeseburger. Mind you, I wasn't going to CHEW with my molars. I cut very small pieces off of the burger and sort of ground the pieces down with my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Now this brings me to my question. I couldn't help but feel around the back of my mouth with my tongue, taking specific notice of the stitches. Very recently, I feel as if the stitch is coming off, or coming loose. I don't know if in fact it is coming off or coming loose, but my mother said that because the swelling has dramitcally gone down, they're going to feel loose, when they're in fact tight (she was a dental hygenist; i trust her).

I've read that these kinds of stitches dissolve within about 7 days, but do they fall out? And if they do, is it bad?



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What? You got a wheelchair? I have vague recollections of being half-carried, half-dragged out to the car by my dad and the surgeon. That was fun. The aftereffects of the anesthesia also made me naseous. That part was even better.


Anyway, yes, the stitches "dissolve", but not completely. They fall out after they are partially dissolved. It's kinda gross. But it's not bad -- it's good, it's supposed to happen. Also there will probably a little bleeding as they fall out, but that's normal. (I've gotten my wisdom teeth out already, as have most of my friends.. so I know this from experience.)


Oh, and I recommend mashed potatoes and macaroni&cheese

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Of course, you're definitely getting stitches. The surgery itself isn't that bad, but the ups & downs that follow can be crazy


I didn't need stitches when I got mine out, and it only hurt for a few hours afterwards... they were tender for like 3 days though of course. I actually had a really good experience. The dentists office had about 5 nice looking girls around my age interning or something so they were all around me while I was going under... I thought I was in heaven.


Although I think I might have reason to be embarressed because I'm not sure... but I think I might have said something like "I love all of you" while I was slightly sedated.

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For mine, i woke up halfway through the removal of one, still out enough to not be able to talk, move much or anything, but well aware of the pain/buzz saws etc. Nurse looked at me dirty when i could finally talk when i screamed " * * * *"

All better now, (this was about 2 weeks ago) cept food keeps getting stuck and it's impossible to clean other than poking food out with a toothpick.

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What? You got a wheelchair? I have vague recollections of being half-carried, half-dragged out to the car by my dad and the surgeon. That was fun. The aftereffects of the anesthesia also made me naseous. That part was even better.


I HATE anesthesia. When I had mine done, I just had them stick me with a needle. Not only would being put under cost me an arm and a leg, those are precisely the after/side effects I didn't wanna deal with.


The only downside to getting the needle is being aware of whats going on and hearing your own teeth being ripped from your head. lol, and thats a pretty big downside. But I was able to drive myself to and from the surgeons office, and was no more useless after than I was before.


As far as the original questions go, I think the 'loose' stitches are just fine. Could just be the end wasn't cut off completely?

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I HATE anesthesia. When I had mine done, I just had them stick me with a needle. Not only would being put under cost me an arm and a leg, those are precisely the after/side effects I didn't wanna deal with.

Ah. I'd never had anesthesia before, so I had no idea that it would affect me that way. At least the nausea went away after about two days.

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