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Hi everyone, Im 19 and I work at a local grocery store part time but still get 30-38 hrs/week (I am 1 of 15 cashiers).

To put this as short as possible, I have been working there a year in July. Last October I told my supervisor I would be unavailable on Sundays because my grandma has alzehiemers and I take her to either the morning or evening church service, help her around the house, take her to see family, etc. She also lives 30-35 minutes away. My supervisor was ok with this from Oct-March, then suddenly she decided it wasn't ok anymore. She started scheduling me on Sundays, and whenever I would confront her about it, she would say "Just stick it out one more week." Well, the 'one more week' has turned into 3 months. She keeps saying "when we hire new cashiers", but presently we have 6 new ones and this situation is still happening.

Girls at my work will call off several times a month, go home sick whenever they feel like it, not show up, etc... one girls drawer was $630 SHORT in CASH and they DID NOT FIRE HER...I told my boss to NOT HIRE this girl, they didnt take me seriously, and that same girls drawer was short over $600 a week later..she is still working there. I have been a pretty decent employee and have been there longer than 95% of them, and yet they keep screwing me over and as I see it lying to me about Sundays. I get stuck working holidays when new girls get it off. I get stuck working crappy weekends constantly when new girls get it off, and the new girls will get Sundays off as well. Its just really, really bothering me and I feel like Im being treated unfairly.

Another thing though, he it is again Sunday, and I am scheduled to work this evening even though my grandma would prefer to go to the evening service. You dont know how close I am to just calling off tonight, I am THAT irritated. Its ok for everyone else to call off on a whim, so why cant I? If anyone has any opinions on this situation or me calling off tonight... let me know what you think...

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Honestly, you might need the money, but this job is not a good one. If things are happening with other girls, like they can call off whenever, or they can even be short with their cash register drawer, then that's not fair to the people like you who work hard and do your job well.


I would say that you should start looking for another job really. I mean, most anything would probably be better than this one. And since you've been working at this job so long, you have a lot of experience. And that will look good to other places.


Whether you call off tonight or not is your choice. Maybe you can spend your time off looking for another job?

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you need to stand up for your self!!! their taking advantage of you...

a grocery store job isnt that serious and im sure they dont pay you enough to put up with it..

dont ask them if you can have off on sundays.. TELL them you have to have off on sundays..

if i was you i would not put up with that crap from a grocery store manager..

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are there other grocery stores in the area? Other cashier type jobs? There's gotta be.


I totally understand being comfortable in a job because of being there for a while, but this is not a good place to work. They're not being fair to you and are taking advantage of your dedication.

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I also work at a grocery store, and have had a stand up for myself a couple of times to avoid getting 'shafted'. Is it a union store? Because if so I know that it goes by segnority(sp?) thereforeeee you would be entitled to those days off over the new girl etc..As for wether or not you will go in to work, well if it's ok for the other girls to call in sick or wtv, then why can't you? If they didn't fire the others over that, they shouldn't you. Even if they did though, it might end up for the best as you could get another better job elsewhere where you wouldn't have to put up with that crap. ANyway best of luck.


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