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30, Pregnant & BF Bailed


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I'm coming into this conversation a little late, but wanted to add that it is MUCH easier to raise a child alone that you think it is. You hear a lot of horror stories about women struggling to make ends meet, etc, but a lot of times these women were either really young, didn't have their heads screwed on correctly, or don't have their priorities in the right place. You sound like you do, and aside from being tired those first 3 months after the baby is born, I doubt you have any major problems. It's just one of those things that you adapt to when it comes along.

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I'm coming into this conversation a little late, but wanted to add that it is MUCH easier to raise a child alone that you think it is. You hear a lot of horror stories about women struggling to make ends meet, etc, but a lot of times these women were either really young, didn't have their heads screwed on correctly, or don't have their priorities in the right place. You sound like you do, and aside from being tired those first 3 months after the baby is born, I doubt you have any major problems. It's just one of those things that you adapt to when it comes along.


I so agree with this statement. I had my first child when I was 24 just fresh out of college. I thought it was the end of the world when I found out that I was going to be a single mother when I was 5 months pregnant. Currently I am almost 30, have a good career, house and comfortable life. But most important I have a wonderful son, that I love more then anything. Currently I am 15 weeks pregnant with my second child, the father does not want anything to do with it. Its hard, but I know I can do it, I think the hardest part of all is the betrayal. You can read my story under

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