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How to tell a girl you like her?


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Rule #1 - Never outright tell anyone that you like them. You can indicate that you like them with your body language or be indirect with saying a phrase such as, "I like hanging out with you" or "you make me feel good when I'm with you." Saying "I like you" removes all doubt from them and from my experience, extinguishes the flame.


I'm mostly with DN on this one. The "let's go out and celebrate" could very well work. This exact line actually worked for my friend a few weeks ago when he was taking a final with a woman he liked.


Another suggestion is that you suggest that you two "hang out." Judging by her reaction (including body language) will give you a good idea where you stand. Good luck.

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hmm that could work, but we'd just end up studyin together at school in the library or somethin.....


More specifically I was wondering how to tell her, like the wording. For example, on monday we might have to go see this teacher for this essay thing we're doing and we'll both have the same teacher. So I was planning on telling her then...like while we are alone just stop her somewhere in the halls and be like " i need to tell you something" and then .... " i really like you" or something along those lines and see how she reacts.

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So I was planning on telling her then...like while we are alone just stop her somewhere in the halls and be like " i need to tell you something" and then .... " i really like you" or something along those lines and see how she reacts.


no no, don't do that! Rather just ask her out to date. When you see her somewhere, say "hi [her name], wassup?" Then start chatting about something, keep it pretty light, no topics such as "I.. I have.. decided who I will vote in next election..". You could ask her about her holiday plans or something. Anyways stop the chat after a few mins and say "I gotta go now but let's continue this at starbucks at [time and date] (have alternative option in your mind incase she's busy)." Make sure she knows it's a date, that way there's no room for misunderstanding.


Believe me, if she likes you, she won't decline, no matter how big exams were coming up. I know a few people who seem to.. like die if they don't get A from every exam, and still they dated before and during our matriculation exams (that basically decide your future, if you don't get A's, you're not going to be a doctor, psychologist etc.). If she likes you, she will throw everything else away - I mean, a date takes an hour or so. Sure she doesn't study 24/7? She gotta keep breaks, so why not go out with you on one of them?


So if she says "no", it means no. If she says "yes" it means yes. If she says "I'd love to but I'm so busy and my grannys cat died and..", she means "no".

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I'm no expert, but I'll give my opinion as a shy person. Actually I'm only shy with regard to dating. I'm outgoing otherwise.


If she likes you and she's outgoing, then it probably doesn't matter whether you ask her out or tell her you like her. Either would probably work. That based on my bumbling experiences as a shy guy with outgoing women. An outgoing women can adjust to just about anything if she already likes you. At least that's my best guess based on my prior experiences.


If she's shy and you tell her you've got a thing for her, you'll freak her out so bad she won't be able to talk to you. Trust me because I'm shy and women have freaked me out that way before by telling me that sort of thing.


If she's shy and you just casually make an appointment to meet with her for some low key daytime activity like lunch, coffee, or icecream, then she'll probably be OK and not freak out. If she likes you, then you're in and you've skillfullly gotten around her shyness. The advice others gave on casually asking her to meet you at _____ day time activity is the same as what I'm saying here.


If she doesn't like you then you can't win no matter what you do. So thereforeeee there's no point in worrying about this possiblity since it's beyond your control. i.e. - don't give it a thought.


I covered all the possibilities. I think.


I'm no expert on dating, but I do understand shy people pretty well since I'm one. I also understand outgoing women pretty well since those are who I normally date and hang out with.


Good luck.

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