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Kiss on the first date?


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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you?


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss?


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date?


4.Who should make the first move?


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport?


Thanks for all answers beforehand

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There are no "rules" shake. Each one of your questions must take into account the people involved and under what context/situation the action is taking place.


The only one I would answer and with somewhat of a concrete idea is #4...i think the guy should make the first move but in reality the girl has sort of "invited" him to do through various means...

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I think kissing is a semi-serious sort of thing. The advice i would give you really all depends on how old you are and what gender you are. Why don't you put your age and gender in your profile?


For me, if i went on a date with a girl i would expect a kiss(or several) if she was interested. Alot of girls actually try to have sex on the first date. I turn them down on that almost all the time. Trying to have sex on the first date is just screaming out "I AM A WH0RE!" But a kiss is innocent enough to be fun and then both people are on the same level as to where the relationship is headed instead of wondering "Why didn't he/she kiss me, did she not like me?"

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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you?
I prefer on the first date, but usually I'll wait until I see buying signals, aka the right body language.


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss?
After the first date.


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date?
No. If they were willing to have sexual relations, yes.


4.Who should make the first move?
Either person. As a guy, I can appreciate it when a girl has the courage to make the first move.


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport?
Ideally, I would like to think that a kiss means something. Some people will kiss just about anyone though.


As for kissing being a sport? I've never seen it on ESPN.

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  • 7 months later...

how about kissing before the date? that way u dont have to be nervous during the date and getting all worried about making the move and planting the first kiss.


on my first dates, i waste alot of nervous energy on worrying if im gonna get a kiss or not

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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you?


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss?


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date?


4.Who should make the first move?


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport?


Thanks for all answers beforehand


1. it doesnt matter, its all about connection... If I know I dont like someone enough to kiss them on the first date, then I wont like them enough to kiss them later


2. Ummm, in my first, it was the weekend after we met when we were alone and drunk at his house, my second it was in the park about a week after we met as well, we spent hours just talking.


3. No... not at all... I would think we clicked


4. it should be mutual... however, sometimes you can tell the other person wants to kiss you, but is too shy


5. It has been a sport, and it still would be probably if I wasnt so in love with my bf

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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you?


I'd like a little kiss at the end of the first date, if we both like each other romantically. It kinda affirms that and is a nice way to get both thinking about the next date. I don't kiss at all if I am not feeling it though.


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss?


I've only kissed two guys. First date for both, but I tend to meet guys online, so I have talked to them a lot first and know them a bit. First one was a long-distance relationship and we kissed at the airport when he came for the first time to visit. Second relationship was in my car after I gave him a lift home from the movies. (Last week


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date?


No. Reaching for my boobs on the first date would make me think that though


4.Who should make the first move?


Both! C'mon if you both want to, just lean in a bit together


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport?


Serious. If I am not feeling it, I don't kiss. I've been out on a few dates with guys that I realized I didn't feel any chemistry (mental or physical) with, and never kissed them.

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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you? Definitely on. I would think he wasn't interested if he didn't try to kiss me.


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss? first date


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date? Absolutely not. I'd think they were strange if they didn't.


4.Who should make the first move? So far for me, we've always leant in at the same time


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport? I don't see it as a big deal. It's lots of fun and it's intimate, but I've had fun kisses with people I didn't care about too.


Thanks for all answers beforehand

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1.Do you prefer kissing on the first date,after it,or it doesn't really matter for you?

-----On the first date... lets me know better if there's a connection


2.In the serious relationships that you've had so far,when was the first kiss?

-----First or second date


3.Would you think the person is easy if he/she kissed on the first date?

-----NO, absolutely not


4.Who should make the first move?-----Depends on the personalities. I love it when a guy does but that's just because I'm shy


5.Is kissing for you something serious or just a sport?

-----Generally, it's serious... but if I'm drunk my friends and i kiss and such.

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I'm kind of surprised by the number of people who are all for kissing on the first date. It would only work for me if the connection were there, and even then, I'd prefer to wait it out. I find a little kiss on the cheek more appropriate - but then again, it's all personal preferences.

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The thing is, I wouldn't agree to go on a date unless I knew quite a bit about the person. I prefer to get to know them online and on the phone (even after we've initally met). If I don't feel there is some sort of connection, I won't go on the date. I've never been in the situation where I haven't felt a connection after a date, so I have no problem kissing.

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