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Does age really matter?


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I get so sick of hearing this! People fussing over age! If Joe Blow is 40, and he wants to go out with a girl 20, what's wrong with that?


I've seen people gasp and say that's not right. If you really LOVE someone, should age matter?


Any thoughts?

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It doesn't really matter, and as you get older the gap dwindles. My parents have a 15 year age gap, and some people think that is too much. If its like 15 and 23 then yes, at the moment I have issues with it, but if it were 23 and 30, then no. It all comes down to personal preference however.



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Age difference shouldn't matter unless one of the people is underage. When I was 18 I liked someone who was 39, and now I've been with my boyfriend for a year and we have a 10 yr age difference. It never bothers us, although sometimes we joke about the age difference but it seems to be a really big deal to some people, like our friends and family. Some people think that he's using me for sex or w/e because i'm 10yrs younger, when it's not true. PLUS some of his family thinks that it's [removed by moderator] up he's with me because he had a wife and was with her for 10yrs, married for 7 of them, and now he wants to be with me.


Personally as in my experience age difference should not be a factor, unless you can't handle people saying bad things. But there will always be someone who doesn't like you and your partner together.

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Since I look so young for my age (and if I happen to still be alone when I'm in my thirties or forties), I'll almost definitely be dating young twenty year olds. So, no. I see no problem with it. If others don't like it, it's THEIR problem, not yours.

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I'm a woman I'll be 35 in a few weeks. I'm seeing a 22 year old, and that seems to be working out fine. He approached me, though, and he was shocked, because he thought I was younger than him. He's in the same place in life as me, as in...no children, no divorces, not many prior obligations or commitments, plenty of energy....to me all these things are important.


In our case, people don't realize there is such a big age gap, because there doesn't appear to be, but if you look 20-years apart, then people will inevitably be nosey....but, people will do that no matter what the apparant difference is between you, be it age, race, size...just be sure you're both together because you want to be, not partly to be defiant..

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People fall in love. Sometimes they fall for someone that wasn't handpicked by central casting for appearance, age, race or gender.

If you choose a mate for the approval of others, good luck!

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I've always been a firm believer in equality on the basis of age, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.


The problem some couples face when there is a big age gap is breaking out of the social norm and dealing with the scrutiny that may come about (in the same way a white man dating a black woman in the South would be a target for critisism). There is no debating the fact that two people of almost any age can fall in love, but the part that makes or breaks the relationship is being able to deal with it maturely. Not sure if it's ignorance or what, but as a progressive thinker, I think that some people are just so stuck up when it comes to matters like these.


Unless there is a minor involved, whose to say that the relationship is in jeopardy or that it's somehow wrong. And hey, if Anna Nichole Smith could be in "love" with that 90something year-old man, then anyone can find love.


Just my input.

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I get so sick of hearing this! People fussing over age! If Joe Blow is 40, and he wants to go out with a girl 20, what's wrong with that?


I've seen people gasp and say that's not right. If you really LOVE someone, should age matter?


Any thoughts?


Joe Blow is 40. Mary Cherry is 20. YES IT MATTERS. DUDE, HE COULD BE HER DAD.

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Short answer: no.

Longer answer: If you find a person who loves you, treats you with respect, and cares for you, what does it matter when they were born in comparison to your own date of birth. Different people mature differently, too. Most of the guys in my generation aren't as my mature as I would prefer, so I don't date them.

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As long as both partners are legal adults, I fail to see a problem with it.


Last guy I dated was 18 years older than me.


The guy I married is 11 years younger than me.


My child spouse is more mature and trustworthy than my older ex ever was.


At the end of the day, all that matters is how those two people interact with each other and how they are together. What anyone else thinks of their relationship doesn't matter....it's none of their darn business anyway.

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Short answer: no.

Longer answer: If you find a person who loves you, treats you with respect, and cares for you, what does it matter when they were born in comparison to your own date of birth. Different people mature differently, too. Most of the guys in my generation aren't as my mature as I would prefer, so I don't date them.



It couldn't be said any better! I agree with the above completely!

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i have mixed feelings on this one, on one hadn i feel that if u love someone then age shouldn't matter but on the other one, i think that when there is a big age gap between two people in a relationship then it can cause problems later on such as different opinions on things like kids and that, its a tough one to call, do what feels right for u.

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I personally wouldn't pursue someone vastly older or younger than myself, at least not deliberately...


Now, I am not saying I'm not attracted because a lot of times I am, I just wouldn't go after something like that. I mean, when the age gap gets too much, the lack of common becomes obscured.


But no one is the same and I think it goes for all that when love is involved; age is truly nothing but a number. But I won't be purposely stoking out 10+ or 10- my age or anything.

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My boyfriend's 15 years older. Neither of us were looking for a relationship, especially with someone who was much younger/older than the other.


But we had a lot in common and got on really well. I asked him today actually if he could change our age gap would he? He said no, and I agreed. I don't normally think of him as "Oh my gosh he's 39 years old!!!" And I doubt he thinks of the same of me.


When you find someone you click with who offers you all the things you want in another person who loves you for who you are, might as well try out the relationship! The worse thing that could happen is it doesn't work out.


Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all ...



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People fall in love. Sometimes they fall for someone that wasn't handpicked by central casting for appearance, age, race or gender.

If you choose a mate for the approval of others, good luck!


I concur!


I think that same-age is a good guide, but people should look for others who have roughly the same level of maturity as them, whether they be vastly older, younger or the same age becomes irrelevant (unless one of them is underage, where a relationship becomes a legal no-no).

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I don't think that the age difference matters in a relationship (as long as both are over 18). What matters more in any relationship is how each partner treats the other partner, how you both feel about each other and that you both want similar things from life at the same time.

There are heaps of relationships where the couple are of similar age but have more differences then a couple with a huge age gap. You don't hear people saying that because they are so different they shouldn't be together.

It's not the age that matters it's the compainionship.

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