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She replies " I have a boyfreind" what do you do?


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Well I never ended up finding out because I went back there to pick them up and she wasn't there.


However last night i had my first expereince with this exact situation.


I also did something I usualy would never do and thats ask out our waitress. I know waitresses jobs are to be flirty and I think it's kind of agianst my belifs toask a girl out while she's at work but iI felt that i never take a chaance and if my aproach was sincere and I was being myself then I might as well.


but with this one i just had a feeling. She'd be extra flirty touch me a few times, every time she'd walk by the table she'd always look at me and smile and pretend she was walking away with the drink she was supposed to be bringing me or something. and what really gave me the go ahead to ask was I asked her towards the end of the night if she was tired, and then she just came and sat right down beside me and we talked for 10 mins despite the fact it wasn't quite last call. and the whole thing felt pretty decent so before she left I said I'd love to take her out for cofee, she smiled and said "maybe." I said "maybe hey?" and she said "well i do have a boyfriend". And i just said, "aww well it was still nice to meet you anyway". She said "you too" It didn't feel too awkward, she didn't give me an awkward look or get an uncomfortable feeling. It felt okay. If i ever see her agian I'll still be nice and freidly to her,and i doubt it would be uncomfortable. In short it wasn't really so bad, not nearly as bad as that one scenerio I displayed at the top of my thread. I think it was because i was more at ease and itwas more natural, and I didn't get worked up. it probably came through. And i didn't even sweat it otr feel rejected. Hell I figured she didn;t have to do all of those things if she was repulsed by me and if she actually had a boyfriend then i don't even reslly concider it rejection.


I think this whole thing was good for me, i took a chance and now I know.


In retrospect i don't know if asking her out directly was so good but I'm sort of bad for stating romantic interest so it's probably better a girl knows i'm interested right off the bat rather than her thinking i'm just trying to be her friend.

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