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An Honest Word


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What does writing an honest word require?

A secret space?

No secret can have true solitude except those sealed by death

And neither file nor paper nor book has that privilege

A secret that can be burnt or deleted

can have never been


An audience then?

But to whom should we write?

Who will find us honest and join us momentarily

And who will cringe squirm writhe and beg us to stop the rot


What then?

What might be worthy of universal reading?

Can we express our trueness adultly and if we can

Will it be enough?

Is there an honest ear or eye to receive it?


Vague frustration

I know I can't reach you because I know what doesn't reach me

And I'm doing that thing too

Whatever it is

My words are consumed with me

And not with what draws us in


Have I done it then?

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