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Party Pooper


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So I've been getting close with this beautiful girl for a couple of weeks now. She goes to a different school about 10 minutes away from mine. Last weekend we hung out a few times and I ended up sleeping beside her after a party on Saturday night.


We've been planning on going to my semi-formal dance tomorrow night together, until about 10 minutes ago when she told me she has strep throat. So she can't go, and will be in bed probably all weekend.


This totally ruins my night because every other girl is taken, and I dont even feel like being with another girl.


I have a soccer game tomorrow night as well but even my coach wanted me to go to my semi with her.


I told my girl that we should do something saturday night if she's feeling better and she said "yeah, and if not.. next weekend" which is about 10 days away.


So instead of hanging out tomorrow night, and this weekend I Have to wait almost 2 weeks just to see her again. It's ridiculous, it put me a horrible mood, and probably will for the rest of the week.


She said she was sorry, but there's not much she can do.


Any advice on how to cheer up, look on the bright side.. if there is one.


Unlucky, or what?

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