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I have been told in the past that it might be in my best interest to take anti-depressants for my anxiety/depression issues. My doctor prescribed Paxil but after getting online and reading about side effects I got too scared to actually start them. I just went through a horrible breakup, however, and my depression is worse than it's ever been and I think it is time for me to start. Can anyone offer advice on which anti-depressant is the best to take or has the least bad side effects? Any personal stories on how they make you feel or what they do to you? I'm very nervous about this but I realize that I really need the help...

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Hi there,


All medications have side effects and it is different for eveyone. Any kind of psychotropic drug such as Paxil is going to have a lot of side effects. Those kinds of drugs altar your brain chemistry. There are so many kinds of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications available. My mom is on Lexapro because it helps with the mood swings more than anything. Some people need Effexor because it works on two chemicals in the brain. It depends on the person and how he/she will respond to the treatment.


It can take two weeks or longer for antidepressants to take full effect. They need to build up in the system. When my mom started taking Lexapro, it did horrible things to her stomach and she had extremely vivid dreams. It is the body adjusting to the medication. If you have questions or concerns about the side effects of Paxil, talk to your doctor about it. Weigh your options and decide which side effects you can live with. Good luck and take care.

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My BF uses Paxil, I have seen him come off of it before (which is where you primarily see Paxil side effects) and it was pretty bad, but really he said it wasn't much worse than he was before it.


I don't like life long medicinal approach at all, but I know I could not be with him if he didn't take this med.


Also, I know some SSRIs take a long time to get kick in, but Paxil usually works within a couple of hours. There might be a correlation with that and the withdrawl symptoms people have with it actually....


Don't know what it is I'm trying to say, just adding some personal experience.

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I have used PAxil and while it works it does have odd side effects. I would get these shocks of energy or something throughout the day. Like I was going to pass out for a milasecond.

I now use Wellbutrin and find it has no side effects I am aware of. My friends and family always know when I havent been taking them. They do help so go back to the doctor and discuss other options.

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HI, i`ve been on anti-depressants for four years. after three types of meds using varying dosage,i finally was put on effexor. this one has worked best.even my bad days are not so bad.the side effects are minimal at least in my case.

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i took paxil for a few months and it helped at first then i didnt really see a difference on how i was feeling.. i took it for my anxity disorder, it did help a little though.. i gained weight from it, (still trying totake the weight off) but besides that it was o.k. but everyone is different..

i also heard wellbutrin is good from alot of people!!

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Try Wellbutrin XL - it has no sexual side effects, in fact most people get a boost out of it. Lower doses of it are actually used to help people quit smoking under the name Zyban.


I've noticed my cigars tasting a bit off. Hmmm.

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Prozac was originally used for treatment of back pain. It was discovered it made the people feel better emotionally more then it relieved back pain. I kind of liked it as an anti-d and for my back, but I developed a resistance and had to change. Now I take 2 meds Lexapro and Alieve, one pill instead of four was nice and didn't hurt my tummy as much.

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