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How do I enjoy what I have now (while in college)?

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I keep thinking of all the things I wish I had, and wish I could do, but I can't-- not right now.


I can't seem to enjoy where I am in my life. Not at all. I feel miserable, and as if the only true happiness is after college, where I'll have/make ACTUAL money, a home, a new car, nice things...


Basically, it's all about money with me right now. My courses are so long, that I'm literally going to school about 40 hours a week (which counts the commute, too) so on top of that and hours of projects every night, I can only fit under 14 hours of work a week in (two 8 hr shifts on weekends), and that doesn't make much at all. Just about enough to cover gas, loans (one already) and car insurance. This summer I plan to save all I can as I'm available more of course.


I'm just miserable. I have a year and a half left of college, out of four years. I'm so sick of this. All I can think about is that I feel like I'm rotting away with college, even though it is FOR a good job. I would never in a million years drop out, or take a semester off because the whole idea is that I want to be done with it right this second and into my career.


I'm always in a bad mood. I hate looking around me and seeing people who are out of college and "making their millions." I'm so sick of being here. I figure since this is what I've got to do, I should learn to enjoy where I am, but I can't. I'm miserable.



What did everyone do to mentally get through in college? How did you learn to appreciate what you had...?




I feel like I'm hurting my family... they help me with what they can, and I'm so miserable and want to get out and go far away and not be so stressed with having so little... and knowing how much I need for anything afterwards. I just want to be calm and content with where I am now and I've been trying for a while now and getting nowhere. I'm not feeling any better no matter how much I think about it. I am so sick of thinking about it. This post was so boring and painful to type. I know I can feel better but I'm not seeing how yet.





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Jesus make it fun! Take less and/or easier classes and take advantage of the situation you're in. There are a ton of sports (club, intramural, etc.) you can play, clubs you can join for just about any activity you can think of...swing dancing, ultimate Frisbee, 4 X 4, computer games, etc. Make study groups and hang out with your classmates more.


You need some escape, some outlet from your daily grind. You've got a year and a half left, no need to make it miserable...I definitely think doing this is worth an extra semester if it comes to that...

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I spent most of my senior year crying and hating school. I was working on projects and homework from 9am till 3-4am on a regular basis. I'd go to class, skip meals, lived on caffeine and studied constantly. I'd not sleep at least once a week and was even awake for over 55 hrs working on a project. I think the only thing that got me through were some very good friends. We did homework together and instead of being serious about it all the time we'd try to have some fun. Sometimes you just need to take the time to stop for a long dinner with friends or a movie. For me crying helped a lot, I always felt better after a sob, it relieved a lot of the tension.

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Sounds like your taking hard courses. The big reward is when you get that degree though and I promise you'll be glad you went through it all to get it. It is an accomplishment and something you'll have for the rest of your life and that no one can take from you.


I kind of took my time through college, took me six years, and lived at home the first 2. I didn't decide on my major till I absolutely had to and had no idea what to do with my degree once I decided on it, but I still don't regret going one bit, it was one of the great accomplishments of my life, if anything it made me a better more well-rounded person. And finally a couple years after graduating I got a good paying job I absolutely love.

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I'm going through the same thing. I don't have the money to stay in longer than 5 years, and I'll be entering my 4th year this coming semester. My days are long and the classes are hard. To meet my 5 year deadline, I'm piling up tons of courses that are hard work and taking easy courses is not an option to me. I also work three jobs - only one of which has an actual set schedule so that's a break there! I pay for everything myself, so the jobs are required in my life. I realized today as I enjoyed my last day of summer (classes start tomorrow morning,) that I no longer have an abundance of free time. When I'm online, I'm doing research. I love waht I'm doing, I love what I hope to be doing with my degree...my only problem is I'm currently stressed - like what you sound like you are.


Sorry about rambling. What has been helping me keep sane is I got a cat (actually I have two now and that just added more stress.) It might sound silly, but having my cat there when I study calms me. I explain everything I'm reading to her which helps with my understand, but it also tricks my brain into thinking I'm having some free time to do something *other* than studying. Writing about all the things that stress me out helps me out too!

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I could never take an extra semester... I'd go crazy. I can definitely see why it would help, but it would be too much because I'm already upset that I missed the fall semester in the beginning, because now my last semester falls AFTER a long 4 month summer vacation... just prolonging the pain.


I think doing things with classmates and being involved is a wonderful suggestion. I've had some fun times which have made it easier, but they're so far in between. Everyone at my college is more "art student than thou" so that's a whole other ballgame right there. I make friends with who I can, even if it's just close acquaintances. It's funny to have what we're going to college for make us have so much in common, but when it comes down to it, I feel like I can't relate to anyone there. So while I've got the people to talk to and do little things with, I do still feel like I'm in it alone. Not giving up though, just having little luck in that department.


I loved my first 2 years, but this past year is where this misery has come from. It's so hard to enjoy it, and the money issue just amplifies it so much. I tried planning my next semester's schedule so I'd have time to work during the week, so hopefully that will work out and I'll have some extra money to save.


-edit- Animals! thyroxine, that is a good suggestion, too. I do feel I need something else to get me through... I'm so worn out, just so sick and tired of being in this place in my life.

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