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What would you think if........


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I've posted before about my sitaution with a guy who works in my town. I thought he was interested in me from little things that he'd done (see other posts), so I said "we should hang out sometime" to him and he said "ya...we'll see". That was totally unexpected but I didn't let it get the best of me and I would still see him at his work. About a week or two after that incident, he came to my work and we were just chatting about the weekend and stuff and he said to me "I really need some new girls to hang out with"...now I should have said something but in my head I was thinking "you had your chance, I suggested that last week...". So I didn't say anything...maybe that was a mistake. Do you think he was trying to redeem himself from before? Many times he has come in and asked when am I off work and what was I doing after, but he's never asked me to do anything after when I tell him I'm not doing anything.

Anyway, the latest confusing piece of this game that I have is last week I went to see him and he told me his birthday was next week and I told him mine was the following week. He asked how old I was going to be, and I said "older than you" and he said he knew I was older but how old was I going to be....so I told him...reluctantly...and he said "that's ok, I like older girls"...now tell me...is THAT interest???? He appologized for not coming to

see me at work when he said he would but he had to do stuff for his family, but when was I working this weekend and he would come in and visit. Now I'm tired of these games and just want SOMETHING to happen...does he sound interested?

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Honestly, he doesn't sound too terribly interested. How hard would it be for him to pick up the phone and suggest you two get drinks or dinner some night.


"that's ok, I like older girls


He appologized for not coming to

see me at work when he said he would but he had to do stuff for his family, but when was I working this weekend and he would come in and visit.


Sounds to me more like verbal diarrhea. Sorry to be graphic. I've dated several guys recently who just .... the more they talk, the stupider things that come out of their mouth. He should just learn how to shut up.


If you are so interested in him, why not ask him to hang out with you? You do seem interested in him.


But I can't say that he's show an overwhelming interest in you....

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Sorry, but I have to agree with the other posters. Unless he's terribly shy, he would've done something by now to clarify any feelings he may have for you, especially after you said that you two should hang out sometime. It's hard, but to stop all the confusion and false hope, it's best to move on to other interests.

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That's fine...I had lost interest in him until his latest comment of "I like older girls"...and all I meant by hang out sometime was just that. He was new to town and didn't seem to have many friends. Well I'm not disappointed by your reactions to this... we will see what happens today....

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