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Okay, seriously... this is getting absurd...

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If you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend, how did you meet them? This is totally getting absurd... I want to meet a guy, and I'm 19 and have only had one boyfriend... and it seems like almost impossible to be able to actually meet someone and bring it up a level...


It's like in college, you're sitting in class and you're getting ready for the lecture, and if you just randomly start talking to someone sitting next to you, it's almost considered STRANGE and unwanted attention. It seems like that's the case almost everywhere.


So, I'm just asking... how did you meet your boyfriend or girlfriend? Story time!

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well i'm apparently the minority who actually didn't find a psycho on myspace cuz i told my real age and talk to people my own age and don't go out by myself to meet people....so yea i met my boy on myspace, and we talked on aim for the longest time, and then me and my friends went out to meet him in a public place. and now we've been together for almost 9 months....the strange thing is though, is with the things we both do he had actually been in and out of my life in other ways that we would have eventually ran into one another either by the doctor's office, or at a store we go to constantly, or by my ex's house(he lived next to an airport where people get there pilot license and my b/f was doing that) and it's just so strange cuz his ma actually works in my town i found out.....coincidence i don't know, but i like to call it fate cuz i'm mushy like that...lol

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It's like in college, you're sitting in class and you're getting ready for the lecture, and if you just randomly start talking to someone sitting next to you, it's almost considered STRANGE and unwanted attention. It seems like that's the case almost everywhere.


Is it? I've done it all the time when I'm at uni. I don't see anything strange with it, if you're both sitting there and nothing else is happening why not ask how they are, what they think of the unit, whether they've seen Strong Bad's latest email etc. I certanly don't have any problems with people coming up to me and talking to me, I've made a fair few friends as a result of them just coming up and asking me something. I've even struck up comversations with people at the bus stop.


Sadly none of these events have resulted in any romantic stories for me, so if you do find out how to succeed in that respect can you let me know?

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I find psycho's I just say F off a lot and walk away a lot...


Its easy to spot them really


yea i know but with the whole 13 year old girls pretending to be 18 and being stupid about meeting the guys online that are like 10, 20 years older then them, i just feel as a girl one of the minority who actually think before i put info up on my page.

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Hmmm, when I was around your age I met my first serious boyfriend at a party. So try to get out and socialize more if you're not already (but be careful about drinking too much. Not to sound like your Mom, but you do have to be cautious, and you always want to stay in control of your actions so you don't find yourself in a scary situation).


With my current boyfriend, I met him when I saw his band play at a local live music bar. I approached the lead singer about doing some publicity for the band, and got to know all of them that way. After about two months, the drummer (now my boyfriend) and I started dating.


I also have met people through rafting trips, volunteering, and I even did online dating. None of that really panned out, except one guy who I met on a vegetarian site. We dated for a few months, had a falling out, but eventually became friends again, and we still are.


Just get out and about as much as possible through a variety of ways, and you'll meet someone soon enough!

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i met one of my exes at the hairdresser's - he cut my hair (and very well too! so i asked him out to dinner that night...just to say thanks, of course...) that's one of my favourite meeting people stories...

and my more recent ex and i met in paris on a trip for our mutual friend's 21st birthday.

i guess it happens at any time, any place. just gotta make that first conversation...

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I love stories about how people met. Can't wait to hear 'em all.


Most of my stories of meeting boyfriends (gf-that's a trilogy there) are silly. lol. I am one of those people that smiles at everyone on the street, says 'hi', and chats everyone up. Still got some of those manners from growing up in a small town. But, not everyone likes it, and they let you know pretty fast. The world is different now: so many people are tuned out and just go about their own business without interacting much with the people in their immediete Real environment.


Ok, enough of that.


I met the guy I am involved in now many years ago. He worked in the store down the street from my apt. He is a musician. I sing. So we'd chat a lot about music and got to know each a bit over time, just from me dropping in to buy what i had to anyways. I wasn't interested in him per se: just a shared interest in music. Eventually he asked me if I wanted to come jam with some of his buddies. I had seen them and chatted some of them already anyhow. I went, had a blast, and it all went from there. We didn't get together for a long time; we were friends for ages.

I had a lot of male interests I was chasing at that time. ooy. I was kinda wild.


Other places I've met at: well, more through music, at the pool, at a cafe i frequented, at a book store, through art class.


When I was your age, I didn't have a bf at all. I met lots of men though: through parties, yes, also sports, going to the clubs, playing pool (a challenge to get the pool table from a bunch of men is how my best friend found her hubby!), and on 'adventures' (girls nights out acting silly).


The world is your manly-oyster, my friend!

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I met my bf online on a local personals site, almost 4 years ago. He was the first date I had from the site, and we got on so well that we both cancelled other dates that we had with others. 6 weeks later we moved in together, and almost 4 years later, here we are!image removed

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I too only had one boyfriend when i was your age. I met him through my brother who is 2 years older than me. It is great having friends and family because you can go with them to their parties, work socials, misc events, sports games(my brother played baseball and hockey so i would go watch his games and meet the other wives/girlfriends in the bleachers) and meet people that way. I have also dated a couple people from work(though that can be tricky if the relationship doesn't work out).


I have found the best relationships have happpened when I wasn't actually looking, but just going somewhere with a friend to have a good time and meeting someone that was there too. This included dance clubs, beach get-togethers, birthday parties, christmas/holiday parties, baseball games, clubs or pubs with live music, etc.


If you have one or two friends that have other friends then you can network and go different places in groups and meet lots of people that way. I was and still am quite shy, so it helped me alot to pick friends that are outgoing and confident.


I hope this helps.

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If you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend, how did you meet them? This is totally getting absurd... I want to meet a guy, and I'm 19 and have only had one boyfriend... and it seems like almost impossible to be able to actually meet someone and bring it up a level...


It's like in college, you're sitting in class and you're getting ready for the lecture, and if you just randomly start talking to someone sitting next to you, it's almost considered STRANGE and unwanted attention. It seems like that's the case almost everywhere.


So, I'm just asking... how did you meet your boyfriend or girlfriend? Story time!


Online dating sites or join a dating service, if you want to meet single guys.


Stop looking to meet anyone at school, you'll NEVER get anywhere. I've found the same to apply to other avenues as well; be it work, clubs, etc.


As for all my past relationships (errh, the 4 or 5 I've had lol), I met one online *shudders*, one at work, one through a friend and one through church. I had some crushes at work and school, but I wasn't "good enough" to go out with them, evidentally. But don't go by those places, since every relationship there ended in failure (though it was my decision to end things in 3/4 of them).

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Out of my serious boyfriends:

1) I met the first one in Chemistry class. We had a common friend and he was interested in me so he asked my friend to set us up and we went out for our first date on Valentine's Day. It lasted 1 yr.

2) I met my second one when we worked in adjacent labs in the hospital. He asked me to play tennis with him and we hit it off. It lasted 5 yrs.

3) I met the current boyfriend on a catholic singles site: link removed. I really wanted someone who shared my faith and was interested in science, so he was a really good match for me. It has lasted 10 months so far.

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1.I met my current boyfriend on a concert.He was passing by in the crowd and we just noticed each other and stared like fools for 2 minutes.Then we held hands before even introducing ourselves.


2.I met my ex online.I was desperately searching for a boyfriend then and he arranged me(before even meeting me) with a friend of his.But we weren't a good match with his friend.5 months later,I was out with a friend of mine,my ex and his friend passed by and when I saw my ex for the first time in real life,I thought to myself "I never knew there were guys like him on this planet".On the next day,he had asked his friend about me,and wrote me an online message,asking me on a date.*sighs* I still miss him though


3.I talked to one of my ex boyfriends on a bus stop.We were the only ones there and it was raining like hell.I asked him if my bus had passed in the last 10 minutes and it appeared we had taken the same bus.Well,after a few dates I found out he wasn't for me.


4.The gym is a great place to meet guys who keep in shape and try to impress chicks Just give a flirty wink.


All I can say,it usually happens when you don't expect it... weird,I still feel kinda lonely

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It's like in college, you're sitting in class and you're getting ready for the lecture, and if you just randomly start talking to someone sitting next to you, it's almost considered STRANGE and unwanted attention. It seems like that's the case almost everywhere.


where do you live? i'll date you. lol


but honestly in my experience I've found that what you describe has happened to me too many times to count. It gets easier when you realize that the anxiety and "unwanted attention" is really irrelevant and unnecessary. But since you wanted a story, I"ll give you one.


Really it was awkward and hard to adjust to at first, but I remember when I was interested in this one girl and wanted to date her that it started off as me seeing if she was single. Finding out that she was single, from there I asked her to hang out with me to which she was happy to. Then we went on your typical date (dinner and movie) and we talked and got to know one another. I realized that I liked her and although I was anxious about not knowing what was happening, I was intrigued and excited at the same time (the feeling of butterflies in ones stomach comes to mind).


From that point on it was simply a matter of opening up to each other more and seeing how alike and different we were in interests and likes/dislikes and the similarities in views, boundaries and thoughts and feelings we had. When we realized that we shared more of the important things and still found we were attracted to each other, we took it upon ourselves to make steps to become bf/gf. It seemed pretty obvious from the start that that's what it was going to lead to anyways, so it was simply a matter of it naturally progressing to that state.


That first relationship of mine lasted for about 2.5 years before we decided to split and I've been very casual about finding another gf since. I've had opportunities come up to enter into a relationship, but I see it as why ask if you two are a couple or try to make something out of it as opposed to

just being there with each other, doing bf/gf things and being happy with the uncertainty of where you two stand. Its hard to be this way, but the freedom and love associated with it makes it harder for them to find reason to push away.


If you need someone to talk to about it, you can always PM me and I"ll respond as soon as I can.



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I met my bf online on a local personals site, almost 4 years ago. He was the first date I had from the site, and we got on so well that we both cancelled other dates that we had with others. 6 weeks later we moved in together, and almost 4 years later, here we are!image removed


I think you must be soul mates

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