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I think the attraction between me and my girlfriend of 6 months may be gone. Recently, I was browsing through her phone looking for some cool games to play (we are, or used to be, very open with our feelings; we'd let eachother read eachothers mail, text messages, etc.). Anyways, while I was browsing through her phone, I found some texts...No big deal right? Since we've always been so open and honest to eachother, I decided to read it. I then became overcome with a feeling of anger, sadness, and question. The texts were talking about how she was going to break up with me because (and i quote), "the relationship is boring" and she also said that I "loved her too much." So, after reading those, I went a little further. I found messages of her PROMISING her ex-boyfriend that she'd come and visit as soon as possible (she claims that she absolutely hates him). What's wrong here? Does this mean the end? Or is it just meaningless text messages? I want to believe that everything is okay, but I can't go on knowing that it's not. Please help me out here...Any advice is appriciated.



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My friend, regardless of the method you used to find it, the truth is staring you dirtectly in the face: even though you two are technically together, she is gone. You seem to be in denial here about that fact.


So your best bet is muster up your dignity and be the one to end this. Do it ASAP...and don't look back...

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Were through? come on, be creative...


Uhhh, tell her she is boring and the sex sucks, then walk out and never speak to her again. Ok nevermind the sex sucks part. The nerve of some people, you are together and she is putting you down infront of others, no respect.

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I agree with DJ, shes long gone.

If she was planning all of this behind your back without even letting you know of her plans she was planning on suckerpunching you, which is not cool.

Shes not worth it. Tell her you found the messages and you want to thank her for her time and wish her the best. She will be upset but you must let her go to prevent more heartbreak later on. Trust me.



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ooo, lots of possibilities here!! I think you should break up with her without telling her you know about the texts. Then she will wonder what she did and drive herself crazy wondering, and the whole time you are not giving her any explanation. Tell her you met a new exciting girl or that she is indeed boring. You might as well get some sort of revenge out of this.

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