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Men sex drive loss age


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Ok, I need some older guys to answer me this. Is it possible for our sex drive to stay very active and strong like well into our 40's and 50's without the need for pills or anything? Every older guy I hear talking about this has said that after 35 that there sex life was only a fraction of what it used to be and that they don't have nearly the stamina they used to. I do believe a large part of that is because a lot of guys just seem to let there bodies go and get old and fat, so I am wondering, if I keep working out and running track all the time like I do now, can my sex drive stay as strong as it is now at 23 years old when I am 45 without the need for pills? I hope so, my biggest fear is having to use viagra, or anything like it, it would kinda make me feel like half a man. Currently, I have an extremely high sex drive, I can easily have sex 3-4 times a day every day, but I also work out a lot and run a lot so I do not tire easily during the act. well thanks for any input.

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well i was just about to reply to a post which answered this question more.


as you will see im 30 now. my sex drive is not what it was 5 years ago..

mentaly it is.. im still as horny as i ever was. but sadly physicaly its not the same.


from the ages of 15 - 25 he never went soft even after a long session.

this was fantastic as i could orgasm as many times as i wanted and could stay up for as long as it was needed to please my lady.


the last few years he has started to loose that same staying power.

it did start to get me down for a while. i was rather upset by it.

only saddend by the fact he wont stay hard for ever..

i still get random hardons and aroused by the slightest touch. its just making him stand to attention for the same lenghts of time as it used to.


but i realised that i just have to approach things in a slightly different manner.

or women do i should say. if my little man is needed to go another round then he is going to need some teasing and touching.


i have dabbled with viagra a few times and it was fun as it was like it was 10 years ago.....

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As long as you are healthy and attracted, yes.


Stress, Obesity and shift work so prevalent these days reduce hormone production.


Obesity is a big problem because it is often unattractive and associated unfitness together with the greater masses makes the act rather hard.


My gf/me are nominal weight. She does arobic most days and I swim most days and am about to take up cycling a bit (to the big pool).


I can have sex around the clock with naps. When we missed each other a lot, we stay in bed and make love 10 times or so + plenty of oral for a day. I have 3-5 orgasms and she has at least 10. These are mostly real, scream, black-out and nap. It is amazing how close a couple can be. I am learning to scream too


My excitement is in the relationship. I think it will not change as long as I live.


My limiting factor is my concentration. If I think (about work), or the phone rings, it may be down. If I get angry with myself about going down it is over.


I take asian herbs enhancing blood circulation (also good for memory and concentration) but would not take the blue pill or other artificial methods.

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I haven't had an issue with sex drive and performance at all. It's hard to compare in a way, as a younger man I wasn't in a situation where sex was all that frequent.


I'm pretty average in most ways, I could afford to shed a few pounds, I have lots of life's worries on my plate. I don't always eat a particularly healthy diet, have a long commute to work and back, don't exercise as much as I should and don't get as much sleep as I could but sex for me is luckily never an issue (and in fact can be one of the reasons I don't actually get enough sleep ...)


If anything, I find my stamina increased, not only for sex but for general activities as well. I may not be strong and quick in sports, but I don't tire as quickly as I used to. I find sexual stamina a different issue, it's not really about physical prowess. I don't have to orgasm as quickly as I used to, (but sometimes it's fun to anyway!). I've found ways to control that, mostly from being aware and understanding the feelings in my own body. Pretty much all of the women I have been with prefer longer sexual sessions regardless of whether they actually orgasm or not. And of course even if they do orgasm, they tend to like continuing as they don't have the same refractory complications as most men do.


The best thing IMHO to maintain a good sex life is to learn how to, and practice on a regular basis how to please the woman you are with. If you concentrate on giving her pleasure you'll find yourself happier and more fulfilled than if you concentrate primarily on your own feelings.


Based on all that, and certainly in my case, it's entirely possible to have great sex and a great sex drive past 40.

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Three or four times a day! Gee I wish I was that lucky... LOL!!

My fiancee is 23 and he already has a low sex drive... which is very annoying...


But it's definitely possible! It's natural for your desire to have sex to deteriorate, but if you keep things spiced up and do different things, I don't think that it will be much of a problem!

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As long as you stay in good health - both physically through exercise, nutrition and mentally, you should be fine.


Some of the biggest factors that affect performance (and cause ED issues) are being overweight - this is because the blood supply to the penis is compromised by excess fat/buildup in the cells. Also, the body makes it less of a priority. Bad nutrition (even if thin) does the same thing.


Other medications for heart disease, cholesterol, depression etc can also affect libido and erections.


Mentally, depression is also a large contributor to erectile dysfunction.


Of course, it can also depend very much on the relationships they are in as well, and other life factors. Increased work hours, children, taking care of aging parents, can all influence sex drive.


To be honest, I think men as they get older often have more stamina and patience in bed. I don't think sex drops off at some magic number. And I think that sometimes just because something is not what it "used to be" is not necessarily meaning it is worse. Many people, especially those whom stay in good shape, actually find their endurance gets better as they age...in all things. They may get a bit slower in some respects, and need more recovery, but they also find they have a larger capacity to go longer & stronger. .

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Raykay, so I'd be even better off if I took care of myself? Wow ... *grins*. Perhaps I'm similar to the case of the guy who drinks and smokes, never eats veggies and lives to be over 100 ...


But I do know you're correct, and I'm close to being in shape and healthy. My case points out that the average guy has a pretty good chance of being sexually active.


And ... a lot of it is in your head and your heart anyway.


Raykay is right on about kids. That's something that those currently without keep will come to realize. Between the older kids and the baby my partner and I have, there's perhaps between 4 to 6 hours a night of "quiet" time in which all the kids are asleep (providing the baby isn't up every two hours as he sometimes is). Planning sex around that can be tricky, but it can be done and if it's important (it is to us) it is done. Often means trading off sleep, but it's worth it as sex has a rejuvenating effect.

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Three or four times a day! Gee I wish I was that lucky... LOL!!


yes, and not to mention every day of the week, which is all the more frustrating seeing as I am between girlfriends at the moment.



thanks for all the answers guys, its appreciated.

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Raykay is right on about kids. That's something that those currently without keep will come to realize. Between the older kids and the baby my partner and I have, there's perhaps between 4 to 6 hours a night of "quiet" time in which all the kids are asleep (providing the baby isn't up every two hours as he sometimes is). Planning sex around that can be tricky, but it can be done and if it's important (it is to us) it is done. Often means trading off sleep, but it's worth it as sex has a rejuvenating effect.


While it's hard to work around the fatigue/time aspect while they are younger, I am sure part of it is also worried about kids barging in (at least younger ones)...so I would have one recommendation for parents....lock your door when doing the deed! Save the trauma for both parents and kids!

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While it's hard to work around the fatigue/time aspect while they are younger, I am sure part of it is also worried about kids barging in (at least younger ones)...so I would have one recommendation for parents....lock your door when doing the deed! Save the trauma for both parents and kids!


That's what kid's sleep overs at friends, playing at the park just down the street, and bike rides are for too ... I think the poor kids would be appalled if they knew what we got up to some times when they're not all that far away. Can actually add a whole different aspect when trying to get together takes two or three hours and it turns into a pretty energy filled, succession of quickies in the bathroom, kitchen (or wherever) type thing rather than the slow comfortable ones when in bed.


But all this points to the same thing, if the mind is willing, the body will likely be close behind and it's possible to do even with a fairly hectic lifestyle (my partner and I have six kids between us) so no real fears of losing it if you want it when you get older unless you aren't with the right person!

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i don't want to think about wrinkly ppl having sex. it makes my forehead wrinkle.


Gee, that's too bad because some "wrinkly" people have it pretty much every day, for time periods sometimes running up to 2 hours. Even more on special occasions! You become more relaxed about the whole thing as you get a bit older, get a bit more adventurous, do things you've always wanted to try but were afraid to even bring up. I think you'll find the old and wise are also somewhat likely to be old and wise in the ways of lovemaking too. And they've likely done things the non-wrinklies may not even have thought about yet.

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Hmm, what about all those young, frisky, testosterone charged men lasting five minutes or less, then going to sleep / going out of the house immediately after stories?


It's like anything else, you'll have a varying mix of sexiness, ability, endurance, attention to women, and just overall passion accross the ages. Saying young is better than old just doesn't work. A young person is very likely to prefer to be with other young people, that seems to make sense. But there will always be exceptions of course.

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There is very little to prevent a man from maintaining or in some cases drastically exceeding his capabilities as he ages.


From a hormonal perspective, Testosterone replacement therapy is becoming more common and is very effective. Men in there 50's and 60's just don't produce as much as teenagers. But that is easy to remedy.


There are a number of pde-5 inhibitors for men with ED. Some are very mild with few systemic effects. The more potent prescription drugs are also more available than ever. Pick your poison. Either way you end up winning.


I have what I consider very mild blood flow problems and I simply prefer their usage. It makes sex that much more enjoyable for me. Whereas additional testosterone just hits libido (and can make you come quicker/have less stamina), the blood flow enhancers are as much for a female's benefit as a males. I like testosterone, for the aggression and pure drive it gives me. When I choose to use it, my g/f never knows what hit her. I think if I used it very often, she would run from me every time she saw me.


As a man getting older, I'd be a lot more concerned with overall health and longevity (heart health etc) and with living a high quality of life than with ED issues or hormonal issues (shockingly simple to control and correct, much easier than trying to fiddle with female hormones).

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Ok, I need some older guys to answer me this. Is it possible for our sex drive to stay very active and strong like well into our 40's and 50's without the need for pills or anything?



Almost 53 here and no need for any external help

Conditioning and excercise are the keys.


My ex wife is 39 and another ex GF is 35 and I ran both of them into the ground.




I'm looking for a piece of wood to knock on right now.....

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My ex wife is 39 and another ex GF is 35 and I ran both of them into the ground.


... leaving grateful exhausted women in his wake, the virile stud marches ever onward into his golden years.

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