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Scared to Sleep; Awful Nightmares

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The last couple of weeks I've been having the most terrible dreams. Usually they involve someone chasing after me and trying to kill me.


One dream was particularly scary as I was walking down a dorm at the university I attend and their was blood covering the walls. There was no sign of life because there was some demon or spirit driving people to kill themselves. I walked by a closed door and heard a voice talking to my little sister about some hockey stars she's in love with and I knew that the demon was trying to lure my sister into death. I went in and tried to intervene, but it was too late for my sister and the demon jumped out of the TV in human form, with guns. Then I woke up.


Other dreams include one of the little girls I help out with at an elementary school was kidnapped from the fair when I was supposed to be watching her. Another dream was with my boyfriend cheating on me, laughing at my naiveness, tying me up, him and the girl kicking me, and then throwing food on me.


Last night's dream I woke up from three times, but every time I feel asleep it would pick up where it left off. I was at the Grand Canyon or some canyon-like landmass where a gang of men was shooting at me. Somehow I ended up at home where a girl that I don't know picked up on the shooting and killed my family. Then a larger group of people came and tried to hurt me, and I would shoot back, but nothing would happen to them.


There are a couple of other dreams that I've been having, but I won't get into them due to the fact that my post is already long, and probably deranged-sounding. I'm worried to go to sleep because I wake up shaking, cold, sweaty, and scared.


I have no idea why I'm having so many nightmares these past couple of weeks. I feel helpless--as if my subconscious is out of control and won't give me a break.


Any help or any direction to help, would be great...

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I used to have scary dreams/ nightmares about two, to two and a half years ago. Somehow I think stress or life's problems may cause them. I never learned anything about being able to stop them or control them.


I used to dream that people were chasing me with those billy clubs that policemen carry, and were trying to break in to my car and get me. I have dreamt that people were burning my house down, or at times breaking into my house.


I have dreamed that people have chased me down the streets of big cities on motorcycles. Have dreamed that I was kidnapped, thrown out of the car and the car stolen.


These dreams only happened for me after a period of stress, anger and hurt, and stopped only after I was able to accept some of lifes circumstances and inevitable things that I had no control over.


Have you been going through any terribly difficult times in life lately ? Rest assured that you are not alone in having weird dreams.

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Have you been under a lot of stress or have a lot of worries on your mind lately? Sometimes if you are under a lot of stress or extremely worried about things, that can manifest itself in your sleep through nightmares and stuff like that.


Another thing I have noticed is that if I eat too late in the evening (like eat a full meal) and then go to sleep right afterwards, I can get nightmares. Sometimes if you eat too much before going to bed, that can cause nightmares.


Just some ideas.

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I've been having strange dreams lately too....


One I supposedly "posed' as a celebrity..LOL..and when I went in for an on air interview, they found me out....LOL and I got into an argument with the host of the show.


Last night I dreamt I was flying in a helicopter that was sort of like a carnival ride. It simply had a lap bar..and NO roof..lol...odd.

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The weirdest dream that I ever had was that something or someone was sitting on me and I couldnt get up or say anything. The freaky thing was that it felt so REAL like someone was REALLY sitting on top of me, on my back and I couldnt get up. This happened while I was driving out here to San Diego from Milwaukee. I had been up for three days with minimal sleep packing frantically, then I got drove with my friend for 14 hours straight and we spend the night in a motel. I was exhausted, fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night in a panic where I felt someone sitting on my back and I couldnt get up. It was freaky. I prayed a bit and then I woke up or was able to get up.

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The weirdest dream that I ever had was that something or someone was sitting on me and I couldnt get up or say anything. The freaky thing was that it felt so REAL like someone was REALLY sitting on top of me, on my back and I couldnt get up. This happened while I was driving out here to San Diego from Milwaukee. I had been up for three days with minimal sleep packing frantically, then I got drove with my friend for 14 hours straight and we spend the night in a motel. I was exhausted, fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night in a panic where I felt someone sitting on my back and I couldnt get up. It was freaky. I prayed a bit and then I woke up or was able to get up.


Never had that, but I think there's some sort of mythology around that dream. Kind of scary.

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I've been taking sleeping pills for other problems, but even with them my nightmares would wake me up. I started sleeping during the day because I wouldn't have nightmares. I was under a lot of stress emotionally and with school. I cut out reading scary books and watching movies and police dramas since most of my nightmares had situations that stemmed from plots in those. Some of the worst nights I'd leave a light on, just so when I woke up I'd see the warm glow and not a dark empty room.

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Like what kind of mythology???? Weird thing about that dream is that I had a friend who told me that she had a dream very similar to mines and she had told me about this when we were in college about 12 years ago. She told me about that dream and when this happened to me, I thought about what she had told me about 12 years ago and it really freaked me out. .


Normally, I dont have freaky dreams like that.

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Like what kind of mythology???? Weird thing about that dream is that I had a friend who told me that she had a dream very similar to mines and she had told me about this when we were in college about 12 years ago. She told me about that dream and when this happened to me, I thought about what she had told me about 12 years ago and it really freaked me out. .


Normally, I dont have freaky dreams like that.


Seriously, I think this must be a common nightmare, because there is a myth about a demon or something, that sits on people's chest while they're sleeping and they can't get up, and hard to breathe. I've never had that dream, but I've heard about the myth. Google: mythology sit on chest.

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I stopped watching all kinds of tv too, that involved the police or emergency situations. I would leave the television on, on something that was funny or comical. so if I were to wake up I would not be hearing the other type of stuff.


I could never sleep with light or a lamp on , but I finally became accustomed to sleeping at times with one of those blue, subtle night lights plugged in the hallway toward the bedroom.


Thankfully, I do not have those dreams anymore. I had that for several months though after the sudden death of my husband. That is why I questioned if lillady898 had any stresses or major changes going on.

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Iamteddybearfeelmecuddle, I went and read up on that myth and yes, it has to do with a demon sitting on your chest and causing you not to breathe. The weird thing is when I woke up in the middle of the night and felt someone sitting on me and me having a hard time breathing and/or getting up, I felt like screaming but I couldnt, so I prayed and that helped.


The scientific explaination for this has to do with interrupted REM sleep due to outside stressors or lack of sleep. I could see that as being connected to why I had that dream. I had had very little sleep in the past three days, I was extremely stressed out, and I was extremely tired from driving that long distance.

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Thanks for all the replies. Although I wouldn't wish for anyone to ever have nightmares, it's nice to know that it's not uncommon to have a string of nightmares.


As for the stress... I may be going through some stress, but the odd things is that in the past I have dealt with much more without the nightmares.


Possible stresses: I'm living with my family for the summer and due to house renovations, I'm sharing a room with two of my four siblings; My parents are actually resisting the fact that I'm looking for jobs/internships/etc. so we can spend more time as a family "for the last summer;" I can't get any student loans because my parents make too much money and I can't become an independent for health care reasons; I'm currently in the process of transferring to a different college; I'm in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, whom I'm in the middle of an argument with and have been for the past three weeks (not looking up)...


But relative to other people's problems, I really think my problems are very petty.

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CB,, I have a 15 pound white persian cat with yellow eyes. Imagine waking up to that one in the glow of my blue night light shining from the hallway, and she is sitting on my pillow, about one inch from my face.

It freaks me out when their eyes glow and you're not expecting them to be there. I put a bell on mine just so I'd know where she was half the time, although, now the little smarty pants has learned to walk so it doesn't make a sound .

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