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K, so the boyfriend in on a diet...


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Which is great, I want to encourage him! He's not *fat* -- but just has trouble areas, and is doing South Beach -- I'm really proud of him...


But now his birthday is coming up and as some of you are familiar, South Beach during the first phase is pretty darn limited! I want to take him out to dinner, etc (I don't want him to have to pay on his own birthday!) but I don't know where to take him because of it. I want to make a cake, but can't because it's against his list of foods he can eat...


What should I do??? I really want to make his day special. =/

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You can make a cake with almond flour instead of regular flour, there are so good recipes on the web, google "almond flour" and cake. I made a chocolate one with Splenda its not the same texture as a regular cake and the artificial sweeteners can taste funny after years of real cake, but I liked it and since its very, very low carb its not a that far off the diet plan.


There are several restaurants, Applebees for one, that have lower carb menu items. Eating out can be hard, but salads and steamed veggies are usually available at most places. You could always cook him a nice meal yourself. If he bought the South Beach book take a look at the meals and maybe cook one he hasn't tried.

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hmmmmm, my dad is on the atkins diet and he just replaces all bread with salad and eats lots of chicken and fish. When we go out, he always orders the fish or salad. As for desert, that's a no no, my dad has diabetes. Well, not anymore he is a raquet ball champ now so he is super fit. I can imagine that if it was my birthday, I would eat my birthday cake !! just make sure you know what his favorite cake is and I am positive that he may just eat half a slice at the least.

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Most restaurants have plenty of options for people on all sorts of "diets" or requirements. I eat pretty healthy, and never have a problem finding something. Even when I was vegetarian for several years, there were always options. I have friends with celiac disease too, whom can't eat gluten, but always are accommodated for when we go out. You can also often phone restaurant ahead of time and ask them to make something that fits the needs. On many menus I also notice they indicate low-carb items now too.


He can always order grilled chicken or fish, with a nice salad (dressing on side) or something. I usually order stuff like that anyway, I love big fresh salads!



And as Carnelian pointed out, there are many flourless cake recipes out there. Try googling, or link removed. Look also in books for gluten free recipes, etc. And Splenda is a good sugar substitute to use in baking.


It's his birthday, so I am sure he can splurge a LITTLE bit, as long as he does not go overboard and get thrown off track permanently. It's important that when you "diet" you make it something you can live with as a lifestyle, you will be much more successful. And that means not depriving yourself of everything!

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