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I'm not getting any.....


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Well, this just pisses me off. I'm not getting any. Golly, it would be nice too. But I just don't do the casual sex thing (otherwise I thinks lots of guys would be happy to oblige). My number's pretty low I think for my age. And I usually seek something more committed before doing anything. I mean there's too many risks out there, stds, aids, pregnancy, crappy men. I dont want to get involved with that.


Well, last guy I was with, I told him I wanted great sex, lots of it, and steady sex....and to have fun and adventures. I'm young.....not too old, not too young, and I want to have fun. and Welp, let's just say I am stressed out today, pissed off, and he couldn't even give me that. I mean he's long gone...but he knew what I wanted. >=( Lots of sex with one person.


I just want to hear from all those who aren't getting any either. (for whatever reason). Misery and frustration like company. I'm also really stressed. gahhhhhhhhhhh

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so....you like nothing better than a big squishy brain?


that doesn't sound fun.


it's too bad, im not attracted to a lot of guys. only once in a blue moon do i meet one that i really like...

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nah, i wouldn't use someone just for sex. that would be so messed up.


i like good guys. the ones that are tall, honest, open, funny and sweet.


the bad ones...send 'em to hell!!


lately, i find white guys intriguing. i didn't before so it's kind of weird.

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i just got through a 4 month dry spell after a break-up so i know how frustrating it can be. Now all of a sudden i am getting almost any women i want - so i tried the casual sex thing last week and it didn't make me feel any better. I'm going to keep waiting till i find the right girl. Just spending the night kissing and cuddling a girl is alot better then having sex without a relationship IMO.


So my advice is just wait and you will eventually find what you desire.

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My girlfriend is virgin and she hasn't said that she wants to wait until marriage, but she wants her first time to be "special". So far, I don't think I'll get any anytime soon.


It is frustrating at times, though, I love her and by not I'm comfortable waiting for her to think it is the right moment.

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Susser did you get a new girlfriend since the last you posted??



mmm, I've been with my gf since April 8, we started dating on February. She is the girl that gave me all those mixed signals.


Ex gf is gone since early February, I was with her 4 years. You could say we had good sex, but it was more of a chore to me than something enjoyable.

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Hi Teacup,


I remember talking to you a long time ago. It seemed at that time you were frustrated with men not respecting you and just wanting sex? I have not been on here in a while and have not read recent posts. It is ok to be frustrated and it will come or at least you will. lol Just try to find the type of person you like and have them get to know you. The rest will happen. The sex part is the easiest. It is the emotional part and finding someone you truly care about. I have done the casual sex thing and have also been deeply in love. I choose being deeply in love, but there is sure a lot more to lose, but also more to gain. I guess it is all about timing. I remember you being a very sweet person and unfortunately I think some people took your post the wrong way. I am sure you were just venting and that is cool. I do it all of the time.


Take care,



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Well I could argue the definition of virgin but I wont I think you are get a little right?



Well, we do oral a lot, and play with each other, but no intercourse.


I'm going to be honest, oral and masturbation may be more enjoyable than actual intercourse. What I miss of intercourse is the intimacy and commitment it may show from both persons to the relationship. Plus intercourse makes for longer sex sessions


I think that she is holding from having intercourse because she doesn't think this relationship has a future, she says she do, but you know, actions speak louder than words...


Or that may be only my abandonment issues rearing their ugly face.

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I think if you are looking for sex, you are going to attract the same kind of men you often seem to rail against.


We all get urges, and dry spells. That is when we can be our own bestfriends. A vibrating friend is also much safer then lowering your standards for regular sex.

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I am not so sure if I see what the issue is. If you are looking for a man that meets certain criteria (nice guy through and through), search those type of guys out. Make a move on them and tell them exactly what you want. You can get sex from a nice guy easily too. You may just need to play a different role in the relationship and be more assertive.


Any female that just really wants sex can probably get it (and have a pretty wide selection of guys too). Just pick the guy you want to have sex with and tell him that. Avoid the others. Simple. And direct.

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I am not so sure if I see what the issue is. If you are looking for a man that meets certain criteria (nice guy through and through), search those type of guys out. Make a move on them and tell them exactly what you want. You can get sex from a nice guy easily too. You may just need to play a different role in the relationship and be more assertive.


Any female that just really wants sex can probably get it (and have a pretty wide selection of guys too). Just pick the guy you want to have sex with and tell him that. Avoid the others. Simple. And direct.


hmmmmmmm.......mabe i should. there is only one guy i can think of that im attracted to right now. but even then.........he's kind of fat and i dont know what IT looks like....if IT's big or not. i question my taste.


and even more...if it's small, i will be even more pissed off. it would be like......expecting to win the jackpot and getting a nickel.

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