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I'm having such a bad day, or at least I feel that way.


I am just overloaded with stupid things at work, my coworkers are all on the 'blame game' thing with me, and I'm feeling overwhelmed.


I'm actually a singer and was hired a week or so ago to be a voice teacher for a small group of students. Fine and hooray. Well, the studio manager just informed me that her dad is one of them. WHAT? I am completely panicked now. What a way to unnerve someone.


Even though she interviewed me last week, today she is emailing me prodding for information about my experience and how much piano I play. Isn't that something you should have asked me BEFORE you hired me? How unprofessional to unnerve me and make me feel inadequate!


Of course I play piano or else how would I ever teach myself any music? How rude to assume otherwise and to prod me when I have to start teaching tomorrow evening!


Thanks for listening to my upset vent.

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Hey Beyond,


Don't let the stupidity of other people ruin your day


I know it's tough, I have been dealing with that the past two weeks at work, which is really messing up MY job, but I have to just shake my head and let it go....it's not worth the stress over it!


Just answer her questions politely, that of course you have piano experience as you write/teach music and have been doing for for years, and that your father is in good hands. Don't let her unnerve you


P.S. Good luck!

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Hi Beyond!




Sounds like pure laziness on their part and now they are scrambling at your expense. I am sorry this is happening.


Go in there and do what you know and love. I am sure you will do great! You have been doing this for a long time.


Take a few deep breaths and knock'em dead! Good luck and let us know how everything went.

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Sorry you feel stressed out about this. You shouldn't let the fact the employeer if being lazy and now asking you about your work experience. I suggest just deal with it and email them the required information. I am sure you will have better days and sometimes these kind of days just happen.

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I thought a nice monty python song with some cheery lyrics which are relevant to your situation might make you feel better


Whenever life gets you down, mrs brown

And things seem hard or tough

And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft

And you feel that youve had quite enoooouuuuugh


Just remember that you're standing on a planet thats evolving

Revolving at 900 miles an hour

That's orbiting at 90 miles a second, so it's reckoned

A sun that is the source of all our power


The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see

A moving at a million miles a day

In an outer spiral arm at 40,000 miles an hour

In the galaxy we call the milky way


(cant remember this verse)


So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure

How amazingly unlikely is your birth

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space

Cos there's bugger all down here on earth.


Hope i've been of some assistance lol

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Congratulations on your accomplishment under a stressful situation, I know how tough that can be. Especially when others are trying to intimdate you or test you......


Congrats also on being a Member Recognition Recipient!


Way to go!





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