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Ladies I need a little advice. There is a woman I have known for about 2-3 years. I met her at my previous job, and from the first time we talked we have always gotten along great. I left the company for another job, when I left we talked about how we need to get together for a drink sometime.


A few weeks ago we spent some time together at a wedding of a mutual friend. Neither one of us knew anyone else at the wedding that wasn't in the wedding party, so we sat together, had dinner and drinks. I think I realized then that I have a lot more interest in her than just friends. Everything was just SO comfortable, and I think we really both had a great time.


I really want to bring the subject up to her, and I think at least a part of her is feeling the same way. I am a little afraid of the possibility that she might not feel the same way and that could affect our friendship. She is single and I know she is always looking for someone, but hasn't found that special someone. I have stood by and watched all this and I am astonished that none of these guys see how incredibly great she is. It has got me started thinking that maybe that is why I get it. Why I understand why she is so great, and they don't get it, because maybe she and I should be together. Don't most great relationships start as friendships.


Anyways, I think I might have fallen for her, or am falling for her. How can I flirt around the idea, without coming right out and saying it? We mainly communicate through email so I guess I am looking for things to say that might hint at what I am feeling, but not come right out and say it. I am hoping this way I can get an idea if she has had similar thoughts and if she hasn't maybe she will contemplate it. Either way, no one came out and said it so it wouldn't hurt the friendship.


Ladies, or guys, any ideas? How can I hint at the idea through email. How can I get her to see I am emailing her for more than just friendship? Please help, I need to do this soon, I can't wait anymore!

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How can I get her to see I am emailing her for more than just friendship? Please help, I need to do this soon, I can't wait anymore!


I'd recommend you don't try and flirt by email. It is such an impersonal medium. You guys know each other, call her and ask her out. I know that may be a bit scarier but it will say a lot more about you than trying to hedge around on email.

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