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Why are Men Intimidated by Intelligent Women?


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Its not so much a interesting topic in and of itself, but the use of it; however, is by far what is most important to me. Its a great tool for finding interplanetary transits.


I'm sure it is. And I'm sure to understand it requires great intelligence. My only point is don't confuse knowledge with intelligence.


The OPs point was men being intimidated by women's intelligence and a couple of posters quoted knowledge in esoteric subject matter as perhaps being a sign of intelligence. It is probably an indicator but does not necessarily mean someone is intelligent.


Fact is, the person who wants to discuss American Idol may be just as intelligent as the person who wants to discuss Kantian Dialect.

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Fact is, the person who wants to discuss American Idol may be just as intelligent as the person who wants to discuss Kantian Dialect.

But its also fun discuss how to pronounce Kant with a guy from Japan who says it like a bad word for female reporductive organs. Which is even more fun when that guy starts yelling Kant (mispronounced) in the bar.

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Who said that Mensa members are precluded from having common sense?


My mum was a Mensa qualifier, she seems to be pretty humble and full of common sense!


I myself have not even tried, but I should think even if I were to qualify, I would not suddenly lose all common sense!

geeeez Raykay, i didn't say anything about common sense. and you don't have to make it sound like i was attacking your mother!!!!


both of my parents would qualify for Mensa with great ease, but i tend to see it as the mental equivalent of the Long Penis Club. it's one thing to be at the upper end of the spectrum; quite another to wave your assets in others' faces.


to put it into topical perspective: i love and desire to be with a highly intelligent woman, but i find the fact that she is humble and dismissive about her intellect far more endearing.

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Sorry I derailed the thread .


Its just that some women act disty, some women are, and some can't help it. Some men are attracted to women who will defer to their opinion and not challenge their thoughts. I've done the college scene bars enough to know how a nice girl is an easier score than an intellegent girl. I've spent most of my time alone because most guys stop talking to me after they've asked what I do (don't even get to the science questions). I've been tempted on many occansions to lie, but don't because I don't want the attentions of guy who isn't interested in what I do.


Back in college, I was a double major (chemistry and microbiology). When guys at the clubs used to hit on me, and ask me what my major was, I would tell them, "I'm a double major. If you can guess my two majors on the first try, I'll go home with you tonight and do anything you want."


LOL... I know, I'm bad. Of course, who will ever guess chemistry and micro? They usually guessed sociology and communications. I'd be like, "sorry, too bad, lost your chance." Then I'd tell them my majors.


In other words, there are ways you can tell guys your majors without having them lose interest in you. Lots of men are interested in intelligent women, but not necessarily arrogant ones. Not saying that you are arrogant, but it can be a little tough to say that you are studying physics or engineering in a nightclub without sounding arrogant. There are ways though.....

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Not saying that you are arrogant, but it can be a little tough to say that you are studying physics or engineering in a nightclub without sounding arrogant. There are ways though.....

I don't see how telling the truth can be arrogant especially since the majority of the students at my school are engineering, science or math.

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There are two types of intelligence.


One is called "crystal intelligence," as this involves the knowledge accumulated typically throughout one's lifetime.


Another is called "fluid intelligence," as this involves the complex series of thought processes within a person's mind.


So I suppose it's possible for a person to enjoy the company of a living, breathing vault of knowledge as well as someone who I suppose we'd consider witty. "To each his own." I personally enjoy the company of a woman who *at least* is very interested in the work she majors in.

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I know it seems unlikely to you now but I'm sure one will come along sooner or later.
I know that they are out there, but I seem to not run into them. Even when I was in college (and I am going back for my degree, long story) I was running into woman that couldn't keep up with me.


CarnelianButterfly - From reading your posts the reason why you may be scaring guys off is that you may be showing off in the wrong way. I understand that you go to a college that has math, engineering, etc majors so you would think the theories you mentiened would be easy topics to use in a converstation with guys, but as you say guys don't see it like that. I understand that you have some condition, so it only makes things worse. I think what you may want to do its not talk about your two favorite topics, even tho you are highly interested in them, unless it deals with or related with the current topic of conversation. Plus most people don't want to talk about such topics in social settings anyway so it becomes a turn off to them.


I briefly read the describtion of the Stable Manifold Theorem, and it seems to deal with space and engery of the space. But one thing it seem to not to mention nor deal with was time. Unless I missed it, it seemed to be the miss part of the describtion. And yes I am aware that there are places in outer space where there is no such thing as time as nothing moves there for time does not exist. But for the theorem to hold true it needs time to be in the equation. And yes I do understand that is a theory that can be proven false, which I do not have the knowledge to do as I am not an engineerign major and my knowledge of such topics is limited, but I do learn fast tho. And I am sure my butt will most probably get handed to by a girl, but what the hell.

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I would like to say that my friends do actually talk about these things at the dinner table and when we drink. Yes we're all nerds, but we do discuss everything else, too. Abortion, GW Bush, Kant, Saturn's Rings, its all good.


For most of the work we do we find the manifolds stable or unstable leading into/away from a Halo orbit around libration points. Time is not so much an issue as it is either used forward or backward to propagate the path of the manifold. The manifold is stable or unstable by the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix from the point origin on the halo. This is a matrix that is the sensitivities of the position and velocity to changes in the state its called the State Transition Matrix (STM). The monodromy is the STM after on revolution around the halo orbit, it must be periodic, so it return to the same point as it left from within some error tolerances. This would be where time was a significant factor as this matrix must be for one full revolution or found using similarity transformation. If the matrix is not for the one period the eigenvalues will be meaningless for finding manifolds.

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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -Socrates




Darn, I must be pretty damn wise!


But seriously, I hold true to that. This goes back to my earlier statements that I believe a true indication of intelligence is not so much WHAT you know, but your curiosity - in other words that you are searching to know.


I echo the statements above that there is a big difference between knowledge and intelligence. I know many people whom never went through secondary education whom are extremely intelligent, curious people. And I know of some Ph.D's whom are still lacking a lot of intelligence outside their specialty. They may be smart, at least when it comes to their area of specialty, but that does not necessarily translate to them being intelligent or wise!

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Personally I love intelligent women, I fact I would say my life partner will have to be intelligent, this is a must for me. Knowledgable thats a bonus, but being intelligent overall is important.


I do think however the idea of men not liking intelligent women is misdirected. Sure SOME men do not want an intelligent woman, but i think in this case intelligence is being mistaken for being BORING. If its the first phase of dating, themodynamics, blah blah theories and such are simply not that interesting to MOST people. The whole idea of dating is to get to know the other person not discussing the finer points of Marxism.


The girl I am currently dating is a math teacher. She is much better than me at math. She is not smarter or more intelligent, just better at math. She is however very insightful and intelligent in general. We do not sit there and dicuss binomial distribution or any other such concepts. I like math but I do not want to discuss it while on a date. I wanna have fun.

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I think they're are SOME people who are intimidated by people who come on to strong. Maybe someone could mistake that it's their intelligence, but maybe it's just a matter of being too strong or opininated too early??


What'd ya think?


True true! Just as long as the dating isnt boring!

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I do think however the idea of men not liking intelligent women is misdirected. Sure SOME men do not want an intelligent woman, but i think in this case intelligence is being mistaken for being BORING. If its the first phase of dating, themodynamics, blah blah theories and such are simply not that interesting to MOST people. The whole idea of dating is to get to know the other person not discussing the finer points of Marxism.

Wow, you don't have to be so harsh Mr. Perfect. What's the difference chit chatting over Marxism instead of the weather or TV shows. Small talk is part of dating, too.

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Looks like my response got edited out. Maybe I said a bad word or something.


In some cases, some men are intimidated by intelligent women. Why? Well, lots of possible reasons.


I do not dwell on it. If a man shows a clear preference or inclination towards women of below-average intelligence: guess he's not for me.


It's not such a big deal if certain people find intelligence intimidating. Unless I have to work with them! The rest I try to put in my 'not-my-business-to-judge-or-care-about' file.


This topic is a landmine. Abort! Abort!

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