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I don't want to meddle, but it's getting to be too much...

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I don't know what to do at all. I have a friend who's friends with such a conniving person.


Well, it started a few days ago. My friend, we'll call him Brad, told me about this girl he liked. Problem is, that girl went out with one of his so-called friends, so Brad talks to him. He asks the guy if it's okay. He said it was, so then that means it's okay, right? Apparently, when someone says something is okay, they expect you to be a mind reader. This friend got mad at Brad, and he had no idea why. Well, Brad talked to his friend, and he said that when he said it was okay for him to go out with this girl, he was trying to see if he would go through with it. He thought it would be interesting, and I guess he was disappointed when Brad went through with it. He says he never wanted him to go through with it because he'll get hurt. That makes me wonder why did he say he was all right with it in the first place. In all honesty, he saved Brad from nothing. Because, in the end, he's going to be hurt. Brad says he's going to break up with the girl, so there's not much I can do there. My concern isn't about the girl, it's about the friend. From all the conversations Brad showed me, not once did I believe that this guy was doing this because he was trying to be a friend. Brad thinks that because this friend knows how it feels to be alone, he's such a great friend. Honestly, if a person were to play with my feelings the way this guy did, I don't think I would even consider talking to them for a while. I don't know what to say to Brad. I mean, he comes to me for an opinion, but he doesn't really listen when I tell him that this guy isn't being a real friend. A real friend wouldn't try to put a fire out by throwing you into the fire. He says that he was trying to teach him a lesson. Why would you let your friend go out with somebody knowing full well that that person can possibly hurt them a lot? It frustrates me that Brad doesn't realize that this guy is just not a good friend.

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I think the best thing you can do for Brad is just be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. The more you say things against his other friend the more you're going to push him away from you. Secondly, he needs to make his own mistakes so he'll learn not to make them again. It's a process we all have to go through.

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u'll just have to let brad screw himself. men are retarded like that.


yeah. i sound mad right? well, i went out with this guy, and he didn't treat me right and his friend asked me out. and i TOLD him, " asked me to hang out." and he didn't say anything. it felt like he didn't care (which he didn't).


so i went and had a BLAST. and i told his friend i was seeing someone too, i just didn't mention who. well, they find out from each other. and the first guy was ANGRY. i dont know what he had to be angry about because i TOLD him beforehand and he didnt even care. and his friend.....i mean...the other guy just wanted to use me for sex, i thught his friend actually liked me. *sigh*


the whole experience made me want to throw up. the first guy turned out to be an alcoholic, he lies, manipulates, deceives ppl, uses girls....WOW what a great guy! and the second guy says i am shady and doesnt want to be friends with me. he thinks his friend is such a good friend and such a great guy!!


me?? shady?? i can't believe that he doesn't see that his friend is a drunk, a liar, a manipulator, and a deceiver. he is a disgusting human being. i can't believe that someone like that is considered a "great person" while i am the "bad" one. it makes me feel so ill. his friend thought i was lying about him being drunk all the time. (i mean, hello, the guy is constantly drinking and has 3 DUIS, is his friend stupid or blind?) i caught him lying to me a lot of times and i caught him lying to his friend once.


i was so sick from the whole experience. sometimes u just have to let ur friend "brad" get backstabbed a couple dozen times before he figures it out. if he ever does.

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Sadly all you can do is help Brad after this little incident. If your friend wanted to teach him a lesson, than this will be a rather cruel lesson indeed. it's best just to pick up the pieces after it's all over, unless you can somehow talk to him and help him with the big mistake that he is going to do. You said he doens't listen to when you give him advice, but tell him as a friend, you are telling him the truth. Be serious. If he doesn't believe you after that, than it's his problem. Good luck.

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