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when i was 6 i was molested by my brother i told my mother but all she did was tell him to stop well he didnt stop for 7 years i didnt tell my mom cause she never did anything the first time so why would she do any thing at the age of 7 i started to hurt myself with needles at the age of 11 i started to cut im now 22 and i go to counseling every day at the hospital everyone there was telling me to tell her i tryed but i was scared but then i got enough curage to tell her all she said was what do you want me to do about since i told her about it i have turned to burning my self im so lost in life and and dont know where to turn


please help

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Dee, please stop hurting yourself, you don't need to add anymore pain. I cut and all it gave me was scars, it doesn't make the emotions stop and it doesn't change the past. What happened to you was wrong, your mother should have done more and treated you better, but for all that should have been different it wasn't. The only thing you have now is to take control of yourself and change your future. Don't hurt yourself anymore, when you feel the urge to burn or cut yourself mark your arms with red or black marker. Or wear a rubber band around your wrist, when you feel the need, stretch the rubber band and let it snap your skin. Try doing some activity like working out or drawing. I paint and write when I get really upset. Above all else, please don't hurt yourself anymore.

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I'm sorry that this happened to you and that your mother didn't do anything and you have to go through this type of pain. You really need to get past the hurting yourself because it does nothing, It's all in your head if you consider it an outlet for your pain. All it does is distort your body and you might feel better at the moment but your back in the same place because you do have a problem.

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Hi Dee.

I can't say how sorry I am to hear about what you've been going through for these long years.

I'm mostly concerned about your relationship with your brother as of late. Has anything been done about this?

I'm sure you do get enough help from your counselling sessions, and encouragement to talk to your mother about this issue, and you do seem quite outspoken about it judging by your signature on this site. But this is something your mother desperately needs to hear too. It's not only you that's been badly damaged and continuously suffering, it's also her own son who took some extremely severe actions.


You're at a beautiful age, Dee. You ought to be blossoming. So try to get this resolved in order to move on. And mostly, don't blame yourself for any of this.

Be strong!

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