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roommate (vent)


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I don't really know what I expect to get out of this post... I just really need somewhere to vent. My roommate has been unemployed for about a month now. She applies for jobs that are way out of her reach (ie. medical jobs in a doctors office with no degree) and then sits at home all day doing absoutley nothing! I work a full time job (7:30-5:30) and then come home to find the sink filled with dishes (from her and her bf) and trash all over, and they're sitting down playing a game or watching tv.. grrrrrr... now, before I go on, let me explain. When we first moved in we both agreed that I would do the dishes and take out the trash, and she would get the mail (which is at the club house on the opposite side of our apartment complex) and handle the bills (I just give her money when she tells me to) but, I never agreed to do her bf's dishes. They come over here almost every night, cook a huge dinner (steak, vegetables, rice, etc...) dirty a ton of dishes and then just throw them in the sink!! Then I come home and am given no choice but to do them, because our apartment is so small that if we let them sit it will make the whole place smell... I'm really really getting tired. If she dosen't have a job and just sits around all day I don't think it'd be that hard to rinse her dishes and put them in the dishwasher! It's not like she has to wash them by hand.

So then, she'll send me texts all day long, telling me how much fun she's having, and how she's going here or there, or going swimming at our pool. She sent me a text message at like 1:30 the other day saying "i'm sitting by the pool outside and it's beautiful, you should join me"... ok, since I'm at work making money to pay my bills. I don't know why it's irritating me so much but it's like she dosen't even care that she dosen't have a job! On top of that we're supposed to be taking a vacation in less than a month... where's she going to get the money for that?? I'm just so frusterated and irrated and just really want to scream right now. For once I just wish I could come home to an empty, clean apartment and have some time to myself. Not come home to a dirty, filthy, stinky apartment with my roommate and her bf being lazy... sorry for such a long post but I just needed to let that out.

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I'd send her a text "I'm sitting by my desk working at a REAL job". How does she pay her bills?


I understand how frustrating it can be to live with a pig and their SO. I lived with a 2 guys, one was clean and great the other was a jerk and he brought his GF along for the ride. I'd mop the kitchen and the next day my feet would be sticking to the floor from him spilling crap and not cleaning up. His GF would use all the hot water so I'd get cold showers.


Some people are so oblivious to what others feel is acceptable. I told my roomie, shape up, I'm not standing for it and I told his GF, my house, my hot water, you shower after me. I lived with him about 2 more months and they were better.


Also I was the only person who fed his guinea pigs, which died after I moved out, I should have reported him to the ASPCA, but I only heard about it from a friend, so had no evidence to make the accusation.

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Put ground up glass in her toothpaste.

Some tooth pastes allready contain ground up glass.


I had a room mate like that once, i shut off the gas,

and had a very loud (but fake) argument with the electric co.

She left the next day, when i shut the circuit breaker.

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but the thing is that I still only pay my share of the bills. I don't know how she comes up with her money... I know she gets money for rent every month from her Grandma... other than that I have no idea how she's paying for food and necessities. It's hard to bring this stuff up because on a normal day, she is my best friend. We are very close and tell each other everything, but sometimes her lack of effort just really pisses me off and I don't know how to express that without burning bridges.

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lol slacker!!


I agree with DN. Tell her since she's not holding up her end of the original, the one where she un-doubtedely said she'd pay her part of the rent, that you no longer agree to your part and until she can hold up her end, she will be doing her own dishes.

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