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My guy and I are having some problems and have not been in contact for a few days now. Both of Us seem to be doing the NC. During this time I got roommate who is a male, which he doesn't know about since we haven't spoken. It is stickily platonic and just a rent helper. I still love my guy very much. If my guy sees the car and this new person always at My place..will that cause Him to not contact Me at all?

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will that cause Him to not contact Me at all?


I'm not sure how he'd know that the new guy was there. He shouldn't be driving by your house anyway.


However if he does, usually I find the opposite to be the case. It seems to provoke a reaction.


Just stay with NC and try not to worry about it for now. It gets a lot better.

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If you want the relationship to work then both of you ignoring each other is unlikely to work.


There are two sorts of NC:


1. NC = No Contact. This is not a method to resolve problems.


2. NC = Negotiation and Compromise. This is a method to resolve problems.


Try #2 - it will probably yield better results.

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i'm unclear--are you together but fighting, or broken up?


if you're truly broken up, it's not his business. if he wants to know, he'll ask, or at least get the info from a friend. if he misinterprets the situation, that's his problem.


but it seems that you're still together, so yes, even though you're having problems, you might do well to let him know the situation. or at least figure out a way to casually work it into the next conversation you have with him.

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I know this must be really hard for you, but it has only been a few days. Wait a week to see if he calls you, then if he doesnt, call him. He probably feels the same way about you. Do you really want to play the "lets see who can be more stubborn" game? Wait a few days, then bite the bullet and call. You may be in for a pleasant surprise.... Its not like he is gonna be over you already, and he will be chuffed to hear from you.... Probably. Follow your heart.

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