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Life Is Pissing Me Off!!!!!!!!!!!


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yeah. and if i dont make it ur going to mail me like, half a toe right?


secretly i am just wishing u'll get eaten. *grin*


cheers. >=p


wait a second, u threw me off topic!!!!!!!!!!! back to original topic!!!!!!

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Okay well here's my take on things. I've been in a horrible mood of late after a nasty malicous boss said one thing then decided something else later on. So I know how you feel... hmm more posts seemed to have arrived after I hit the reply button.. anyhow here goes.


I've had all sorts of issues, just under 2 years ago I was treated absolutly horribly by my then supervisors when I was a graduate in a certain organisation, at the same time I was also in the middle of a horrible relationship that was very draining. And these things did hold me back somewhat from what I could have and should have achieved.


However, rather than to just "move on" and forget it ever happened I use things like this as extra motivation. When I try new things I see it as a way of showing the nasty people what for, so if I ever see them again I could say "you tried to bring me down but you only made me stronger, so there!" It gives me an extra drive and makes me try harder than I might have otherwise.


Of course it doesn't mean that there aren't still nasty people out there who just want to mess you around. I am experiencing that right now with a boss who is going back on her word for reasons currently unknown. I am looking into either getting the original agreement to stand or reporting the boss for inappropriate and unethical behaviour but either way it will make me work even harder and try achieve more just to show this person what for.


I don't know if any of that helps, but it's what got me where I am.

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i have that attitude too. but my friend is finishing her master's and working at a fashion company. *sigh*


i dont know if i'll be able to make up what i lost and to get back up there. but i'll see what i can do.

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Of course you can! Set your goals for what you want and go at it! I must admit another drive I've had is seeing my two older brothers succeeding, it also put a sort of pressure on me to match their achievements so that was an extra drive to make me work hard. Hmm then again I guess my main incentives in live have either been to live up to what other people have done or to spite people who tried to bring me down... I'll leave it to other people to decide if they're the right motives.


Oh one other thing, never let people who say they love you stop you from achieving your goals. If they are troublmaking time wasters then you're better off without them!

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thanks mister. very true. i wanted to kick the ppl who brought me down, and to compete with the best. i've always been like that since i was a little girl.


in 7th grade, i started off running a mile in 11 minutes. i saw some of the other girls in class running like a mile in 6 minutes. so i chased after them. i got my time down to a mile in 7 minutes.


but i have fallen so low. now i must climb that mountain again.


im determined not to be one of those girls that get married and pop out a bunch of babies. no sir, not for me.


i would rather be a sugar mommy than to find a sugar daddy. bwahaha.


but sometimes i wake up at night and i think....im really just a clown.

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That's pretty impressive. I didn't really get going until I my last year of high school, then when I went to University I really put in a lot of effort and well I got into the top 15% grade wise. Of course now that I have completed two degrees and am working on a masters I am starting to expect more career wise. I'll be honest I feel that I haven't gotten as far as I should have gotten and I do believe this is due to other people doing things that have been, well unfair.


That being said I plan to work even harder to keep pushing until I get where I am. Call this what you will but I now also have aims of going further than what these people who held me back went, if nothing else so that I can say something witty to them about their views about me at the time.

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i have the brains, the social skills, the motivation but how i am going to find my way back to where i was before? *wahh*


i have fallen so low.


You don't find your way back to where you were before YOU DO BETTER!!!!!!!!!!

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How long do you plan to live? You're 24. So I guess you don't want to die at 34?

Remember, people usually think that they can do more than it's possible in a single day, but they think they can do less then it's possible in one year.


It is wiser to measure your own success according to the improvements you made, not according to other people sucess. There is always going to be someone who has something you don't. Do the best you can and be proud of that.

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Look forward. Put the past in the past. Start working towards your goals, a day at a time. Instead of thinking about your previous relationships, use that time at the library to do your homework to get one step closer to the career of your dreams. Let that motivate you.


I have a similar experience. My high school boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me. I was heartbroken and devestated. I didn't know what to do with myself, I was so sad. So, everytime I felt sad, I picked up an SAT exam prep book to drown out the sadness and study. I couldn't feel sad when I was focused on my work.


I wound up with a 1470 on that exam! If it weren't for the breakup, I would never have been motivated to get such a good score.


let the previous relationships motivate you also.

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