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make him prove himself to you.


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i just found out that teacup has ready access to kitchen knives so let me word this carefully: i have no problem at all with making the first move, but i would find it... um, er... perplexing that a girl would, uhh... require it of me.

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i just found out that teacup has ready access to kitchen knives so let me word this carefully: i have no problem at all with making the first move, but i would find it... um, er... perplexing that a girl would, uhh... require it of me.


Good job....wording carefully....wait till you get back to the other thread...then you'll really be looking over your shoulder


I don't think the point is that it's a requirement, though. You're looking at it from the wrong angle Bendy.

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well, i like the lion and gazelle imagery except for the fact that male lions never hunt, they just sit back on their fat asses and let the females do all the work.


*closes eyes* ahh, that would be the life...


and yeah, i've seen the other thread and i've already told my mommy on all of you.

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well, i like the lion and gazelle imagery except for the fact that male lions never hunt, they just sit back on their fat asses and let the females do all the work.


*closes eyes* ahh, that would be the life...


C'mon now...could you really be satisfied though with that?


and yeah, i've seen the other thread and i've already told my mommy on all of you


uh-oh....sorry Ms. Bendy....Didn't mean that about the wedgie....really I didn't....Like Bendy a lot!

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I havn't read all the responses.


But whether you have been in an abusive relationship or not, this does not mean you can, to use a cliche "tar all men with the same brush".


Relationships - good ones, anyway - are a two way thing. Yes, of course if someone is interested in you he won't cancel, he will do some of the calling, he will let you know he cares. But doesn't it strike you as somewhat idle and unfair on your part if you just "sit back?"


I'm not so sure that many people, men AND women, think this is a good or even polite way of dating or going about initiating a relationship.


Why make sexist demands on him? As a kind of punishment for simply being a man? That's how I read that post, anyway.

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I havn't read all the responses.


But whether you have been in an abusive relationship or not, this does not mean you can, to use a cliche "tar all men with the same brush".


Relationships - good ones, anyway - are a two way thing. Yes, of course if someone is interested in you he won't cancel, he will do some of the calling, he will let you know he cares. But doesn't it strike you as somewhat idle and unfair on your part if you just "sit back?"


I'm not so sure that many people, men AND women, think this is a good or even polite way of dating or going about initiating a relationship.


Why make sexist demands on him? As a kind of punishment for simply being a man? That's how I read that post, anyway.


Good post - if more people would realise that relationships need to be fair and balanced from the very beginning there would be far fewer people posting on here about how to find a good partner, keep a happy realtionship or how to deal with a break-up or divorce.

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My opinion on this is that when you start seeing someone and you feel unsure about is he or she into you, because you are not getting the responce you want, than you care more about this person that he or she cares about you.


It is not about man versus woman, it is something that can be applied both ways. Like that book He's not into you - it is about how to see that a guy is not into you - it's just a help for woman to stop making excuses for a guy they like but he doesn't show the same amount affection toward you. basically it could be called even She's not that much into you - but let's be honest, not many guys would buy that book - because it can go vice versa too, and the proof of that lies here on enotalone on threads that guys who were hurt wrote.


I guess that this whole discussion on this post started because people tought that it is only about man chasing woman and she is playing hard to get.


The truth is if you and your date are starting to see eachother, and neither one of you is confused how the other side feels, than it's a good thing. The signs of affection and planning dates should be the duty of both partners. But if you feel that you are doing all the effort and there are some things he or she does or doesn't are making you sad, worried, unhappy, than it is time to back off no matter wheter you are a woman or a man.


I guess you didn't mean to say that we girls should play hard to get but just to ask the treatmant we deserve. And I would add that that goes to man too.


It is important to keep eyes open and to be a good listener in the several few dates, because that way you will be able to spot red flags. If you choose to ignore them than it's 100% shure that later you will be posting in healing after brake up or ex boyfirend/girlfriend relationships.

But sometimes we just choose to ignore them because we really want him or her to like us.

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That is fine providing you don't fall into the trap of thinking that a man has to do the pursuing and the woman just stands back and selects who she wants from those pursuing her. People say that is the old fashioned way - well lots of things are old fashioned that have now changed for the better. Equality of opportunity should also mean equality of responsibility and I always suspect the motives of women who say they like the old-fashioned way. Too often it is a way of avoiding the risk of rejection, avoiding the work of making plans for dates and avoiding the expense of at least sharing the cost of dating - all things that men have traditionally had to to.


Never allow anyone to take advantage of you - but never take advantage of anyone else.

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Teacup: I agree with Taurus girl and Tracy 21.


TRS: I agree Budman is kinda cute. For a guy (with cooties).


Yay the teddy bear called me kinda cute!


(wanna cuddle?)


I've been pheenin, I miss it like an addict *twitch* oh no! what was that *twitch* Ahhhhhhh!!!!




/on topic


Where is this lion/ gazelle thingy?

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I havn't read all the responses.


But whether you have been in an abusive relationship or not, this does not mean you can, to use a cliche "tar all men with the same brush".


Why make sexist demands on him? As a kind of punishment for simply being a man? That's how I read that post, anyway.


Me too. And that's my point almost exactly - and what DN said about if one sat back waiting for the other... we'd be a lot less populated.


I like the lion gazelle thing tho - and SB is VERY correct, it is the lioness who does the hunting. Not sure why that's relevant, but the point is, we're not lions.


If you want a relationship, go for it. If you are the type who likes to be chased and persued, you're best off falling for a guy who's into being the aggressor. Nuthin' at all wrong with it, ....if you fall for the guy who fits that mold exactly.


But I fear that if you make the assumption that all men are into that, you may inadvertantly let a really good Bendah pass by because he's not up to speed on your old fashioned ideals and expectations.

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*takes smoke break*


ok... i still don't get why my remarks would be taken as an accusation of lying, and i wasn't offering teacup anything but what i thought was a healthy alternative mindset, but i'm willing to drop the "suspicious man" debate and give Miss M a warm reconciling hug if she will allow it. she had some gracious words to say about my son that were very gratefully received by him, and i do like her very much.

Okay SB... sorry, but I get a wee bit peeved about certain things, like "guys" telling "girls" that what the "girls" experienced didn't really happen that way, or that those kinds of guys don't really exist, or that she must have misunderstood.... but yes, willing to let it drop and trade in this irksome mood for warm hugs. ((Hugs)) yes, especially to you, SB.


(btw, whatcha smokin', hon? ... j/k hehe... )


And yes SB, what I wrote about your son, I was very sincere about that. And thanks for passing on the message. And I especially thought of him and TRS's nephew in my heart and prayers on Memorial Day. Remembering those who gave their lives in the past makes me especially grateful for those who step up today to serve us all in that way.




As to Budman... ladies, I've seen him in person and I happen to think he's even much "cuter" than that avatar pic. But he doesn't believe he's good-looking, so he tends to prompt women for compliments, (have you noticed?) because he needs to hear it again and again, like a junkie.


TRS: Budman, That you dude?

Budman: I'm an ugly dude huh? (Kidding)

TRS: budman - you look good.... you're obviously the man

Budman: I'm not that cute but ... my eyes make me extremely unique!

[budman puts up closeup image of his most "unique" feature, asymmetrical eyes.]


iamteddy: I agree Budman is kinda cute.

Budman: Yay the teddy bear called me kinda cute!


Ya see, he's lovin' it...

but no kidding, he's REALLY adorable in person.

And fortunately I can stay out trouble because he's much too young for me.


Also, TRS and iamteddy, I'd say that's a pretty good demonstration of women making the first move. Heck, sometimes we just can't help ourselves. LOL

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awwwwww.....much better.


Everyone getting along, everyone in agreement that Budman is a hotty, SB and Miss M hugged....now about this nasty, should girls sit back and let guys make the first move?


If you are the type of girl who likes that sort, yes. Wait for it and you will most likely attract the kind of guy who is in to chasing.


How's that?

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Everyone getting along, everyone in agreement that Budman is a hotty, SB and Miss M hugged....
excuse me, poopy girl... i needed the Miss M hug, and return it without reservation ((HUG)).


but i never admitted that Budman was a "hotty"!!! some things like that are better left unsaid between straight guys.

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