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make him prove himself to you.


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ohhh, DN... i was having a really crappy day until i read that. now i have a stomach full of laughter...


and you're right, this thread was about teacup saying she prefers a man to come to her, and she has the right to do that. i just hope she doesn't end up with a caveman who treats her like a bearskin rug, because she is a bright girl and deserves better than what she might catch with that kind of bait.


but......cavemen adore their bearskin rugs! they snuggle and cuddle with it and brush the fur and the bearskin keeps them warm and fuzzy.......it's so wonderful on a cold night in the cave. who wouldn't want to be a rug?!

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but......cavemen adore their bearskin rugs! they snuggle and cuddle with it and brush the fur and the bearskin keeps them warm and fuzzy.......it's so wonderful on a cold night in the cave. who wouldn't want to be a rug?!


slightlybent See what you got, you sorted her out

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but......cavemen adore their bearskin rugs! they snuggle and cuddle with it and brush the fur and the bearskin keeps them warm and fuzzy.......it's so wonderful on a cold night in the cave. who wouldn't want to be a rug?! but they also throw them in the dirt, step on them and take them for granted. and where do you suppose a caveman wipes his feet... and his snot?
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I have met men (usually on first - and last - dates) who are suspicious of me even though they know nothing about me - because I am a woman, maybe I have the same color hair as an ex, maybe I have the same career as someone they had a crush on

uhhh, does anybody else here know a guy so stupid that he is suspicious of a woman because she is a woman, due to the color of her hair or based upon what her job happens to be? personally, i don't think that guy exists.

Not sure if you're kidding... but yeah SB, unfortunately I've known lots of guys who are exactly like that. Are you saying they don't exist just because you haven't met them? That's one of the reasons I pointed out that one person's experience can't always be used to understand exactly what someone else has been through.

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Not sure if you're kidding... but yeah SB, unfortunately I've known lots of guys who are exactly like that. Are you saying they don't exist just because you haven't met them?
yes, i am. i do believe that you have known men that you judged to be so, but i have a suspicion that there may have been other dynamics at work. i may not be from the Show-Me State, but i would have to see the proof before i would believe such a wild-sounding claim. please forgive me if my being skeptical rubs you the wrong way; that is not my intention.
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the girl waits three day to reply, and the guy again waits two days to reply


two can play that game, just dont end up playing yourself by playing hard to get ..... getting to know someone is a two way communication.

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true, but they also throw them in the dirt, step on them and take them for granted. and where do you suppose a caveman wipes his feet... and his snot?


the way men do it now. all over their hairy arms. well, alright, i will hafta settle for being a luxurious mink coat instead of a rug.

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Not sure if you're kidding... but yeah SB, unfortunately I've known lots of guys who are exactly like that. Are you saying they don't exist just because you haven't met them?

yes, i am. i do believe that you have known men that you judged to be so, but i have a suspicion that there may have been other dynamics at work. i may not be from the Show-Me State, but i would have to see the proof before i would believe such a wild-sounding claim.

Well, I would describe it as being something more extreme than "a suspicion" because it seems you're actually saying you think we're lying when we describe our circumstances just because you haven't had your own personal experience of what we're describing. And you may have already discovered when you imply that a woman is lying about her own experiences she doesn't respond well to that.


And even though I'm from Missouri, I've not ever understood that our state motto is meant to indicate that someone was lying about their own personal experiences. That's simply not what the "show me" motto means.


And this is all very ironic because earlier you implied that teacup should defer to you because you have more "experience" than she does. So it seems you're suggesting that others should abandon a belief in THEIR OWN DIRECT FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE, and should embrace your perspective, because you haven't experienced what they have. But you're also saying that you can't believe others are telling the truth about their own circumstances because you don't have YOUR OWN DIRECT FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE of what they described. Honestly, that's a classic double standard, and also blatantly narcissistic.

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yes, well....



I don't think a woman or a man should have to "prove" themselves while the other sits back and waits.


I DO however think that if one or the other has waffled or been discouteous, doing something that proves they're sorry or actually interested MAY be in order.


But the fact that one is owed something or has a chore based on gender I strongly disagree with.


I mean, other than the natural contibutions of procreation ie, sperm and eggs, as those can only come from one or the other, presently anyway...

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I think Miss M and Slightlybent need to hug.


Hug damn you!


First off, you're both right and wrong, you both need to take some chill pills. The issue is not for you all to decide. Its teacups job to assume which is right and wrong to her not anyone else. We're all here to give our OPINIONS which both of you are doing superbly, why you both are getting upset over each others opinions is beyond me.


You both need a smoke break, go to your corners.


Can't you both not get heated on a topic?


Do I have to separate you two?




*Group Hug!!!!!*

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YEH!!! Like Budman said! Knock it off!


No, I like the passion you both have. Good for you both. Nothin' wrong with a good ol' healthy debate.


As long as you can shake hands afterward.


Budman, That you dude?! In the avatar?


I'm glad you put you put it up if it is....



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yes it's me, Haha, I'm an ugly dude huh? (Kidding) Ya I had to take the picture cause people were threatening me, I just had my hair highlighted for the first time!


The looks decent wagon didn't pass me by!


10 Cool points for those who can tell me what song that came from!

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Well, I am the man, Bud Man.





Well thank you for the compliment's, flattery will get you everywhere.


And Q10 You suck!!!! lol


Like the red highlights (you can barely see ?)


I'm not that cute, but let me tell you I do like the fact that my eyes make me extremely unique!


image removed

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This has certainly been interesting reading....LOL... I am going to add my 4 cents worth (inflation)...I believe teacup's original question was whether or not a guy she is already dating or seeing(implied as she does not say that) should have to prove that he is interested in pursuing a relationship by him being the one to call her, not break dates with silly excuses and make time to see her AS OPPOSED to her being the one that calls him all the time, accepts all his excuses when he breaks dates and constantly clears HER schedule to see him. Is this correct teacup?


If this is the case, then yes, I agree with that advice, mostly. Once contact has been established, ie. you have both shown interest in each other(regardless of who initiated it), I think that it should then be an equal effort, mostly. At the risk of sounding sexist, I think that the male ego is quite delicate and evolution and the fact that we are now in the year 2006 aside, I think that men like to be the "agressors". Not "agressor" in a bad way, but in a way that makes them feel good about themselves, like they are accomplishing something very difficult(as we women can be quite difficult..LOL). Men are more likely to value something that they feel they have attained through hard work rather than having it handed to them (women too for that matter). And ladies, don't we all want to be valued?


From my experience, most men want to impress a woman they are interested in and want to feel that they are sweeping her off her feet. So, by him initiating most of the calls and not forgetting dates or giving lame excuses, he feels that he is in control(the agressor) and that he is calling the shots and it makes him feel good about himself. This doesn't mean the woman never calls or makes any effort in the relationship, it merely means that if he isn't calling and he is breaking dates on a regular basis then she should move on and find someone who will make the effort for her.

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*takes smoke break*


ok... i still don't get why my remarks would be taken as an accusation of lying, and i wasn't offering teacup anything but what i thought was a healthy alternative mindset, but i'm willing to drop the "suspicious man" debate and give Miss M a warm reconciling hug if she will allow it. she had some gracious words to say about my son that were very gratefully received by him, and i do like her very much.

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