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Totally BS, how to break up??


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Stupid BS and I'm getting so bored, don't feel same for him anyways. Cuz of him and his stupid video games, doens't seem to hardly have time for me, only his video games. Week ago we were gonna go out to beach, but no he told he to wait till he wins, it took two hours, needless to say we didn't go, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Yes, I'm so mad, can't believe I'm wasting time where I can go spending on parties.


Ok I can be saying the "f" now but dodn't think this would let me so wutever. How should I break up with that lazy * * * no good, through phone, letter, im or e-mail and how to start it. I'm thinking something like "You're a stupid lazy * * *, it's over, bye, bye, next time treat girls with repsect!!!!!!!!! And don't freakin take too long, gotta have some feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mitchy - for sure do it with your voice. Either over the phone or in person. And try not to be catty or too bye bye about it. No reason for any of that.


I totally understand your anger and frustration but just say it, tell him why and leave it at that....


good luck to you. This is never an easy thing to do.

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Is this the same b/f that you cheated on with the guy you only went out with on a dare so you could dump him and make him feel bad.


Damn, talk about memory. You must have been digging to get that post. Yea, it is him, he never found out about it though, will end it tomorrow.

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OK, not that hard to find your other post, you've got only 10. And that post was so bad, hurtful and cruel it is really HARD to forget, if not impossible.


I'm going to refrain from any advise, my perception of you won't let me be objective.


In the future, better get a new username, your first post along with your backup friend that came afterwards won't help much in future advise and should not be talked about anymore.

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Ok wutever, I'm leaving for good. By the way you can analyze line by line and waste your time on everything I wrote on the first post, start again saying how cruel it was, I don't CARE. I didn't came here to refer to what happen 4 months ago, I'm talking about what i'm gonna do now, breaking up.


By the way you're lucky I didn't break my new laptop here. It was gonna be the second if I would have done it and all cuz some of you are sooooooo pathethic.


You know what if you'll just gonna only answer to be mean, say nothing at all. I don't give a crap about what you all are feeling about an issue. This isn't about expressing your own feelings and using criticisms, it's to help, geeeeeeeeeeeez.


yes I make mistakes just like you all do, so stop bashing me, geeez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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