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Labia Majora Texture


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I have noticed that I have 3 bumps on my labia majora near the outside. It is not Herpes cause i've actually had them for a couple of years and they don't hurt...basically the symptoms don't fit what I have. And they don't look like warts either. They are not painful, have no discharge or crusting, they are just smooth and round. Oh and they're not clustered either. Could this be warts or is it normal to have some bumps on the vagina?

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Hi Twilight,

Do you get yearly paps? Were they there when you had your last pap? Did the Doc see them? Yes, they could be warts and if they are you can pass them on to your partner. It has also been proven that condoms don't always protect you from catching genital warts because they can be located where a condom doesn't cover.


Really get them checked out ASAP, some carry cancer!!

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I have noticed that I have 3 bumps on my labia majora near the outside. It is not Herpes cause i've actually had them for a couple of years and they don't hurt...basically the symptoms don't fit what I have. And they don't look like warts either. They are not painful, have no discharge or crusting, they are just smooth and round. Oh and they're not clustered either. Could this be warts or is it normal to have some bumps on the vagina?


Genital warts are painless and don't always show up in clusters. It is also common for them to show up alone on different areas of your vagina, labia, anus or general genital area. Warts are generally soft and smooth and flesh colored, white or slightly pinkish or even tan/brown colored. Sometimes they are bumpy and have a cauliflower like texture also.


There are hundreds of strains of HPV, the virus that causes genital warts and also increases the risk of cervical cancer dramatically. Many women are asymptomatic (up to 80%), and it is estimated that 80% of sexually active women have HPV.


Condom use can help decrease your chance of contracting HPV, but as an above poster pointed out, many times the warts are where condoms do not cover so it is possible to get them even while using condoms. The risk increases dramatically when you have sex without using a barrier protection, such as a condom.


The best way to find out is to be examined by your gynocologist, so why not make an appt.?

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You definitely should have that checked out. You said you've noticed it for 2 years....that's a long time to let something like that go. It could be nothing- but it's important that you tell your doctor.


You have to take care of your body- it's the only one you have. Seeking medical attention will cut out all of the guess work, and give you piece of mind.



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I went to the gyne about a year ago for an infection I was having (not STD) and I had them but she didn't say anything....I do want to go to the doctor but I have no insurance right now. I guess I have to figure something o ut


If she saw them and did not say anything it should be OK.


Fungal infection or non-STD UTI?


Did these get bigger?


What about going to a free clinic like planned parenthood?

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If she saw them and did not say anything it should be OK.


Fungal infection or non-STD UTI?


Did these get bigger?


What about going to a free clinic like planned parenthood?

It's never safe to assume that because a doctor didn't address them that it's OK. I work in health care and doctors are not infallable- they don't catch everything, especially if the patient does not bring it up as a concern.


It's important to be seen and to specifically ask about them and have them looked at.


As nottoogreen has said, some areas offer clinics that will subsidize your care based on income, or even provide care free of charge. Planned Parenthood is one, Healthquarters is another. Other places may allow a payment plan with you if you call and set up an budget beforehand. Try calling around.


Let us know what happens.

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It's never safe to assume that because a doctor didn't address them that it's OK. I work in health care and doctors are not infallable- they don't catch everything, especially if the patient does not bring it up as a concern.



Acknowledged, better safe than sorry. Thank you Hope.

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