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Im only 13 but im almost 6 feet tall. Im about 5'11 and a quarter.


I went to a dance yesterday, and I asked 5 girls to dance. All of them turned me down because I was "too tall". How am I gonna have any chance later on if im too tall?

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Being tall can be a problem only if you let it.

I hated being tall, but got used to it in time. Even though a few women tease you, others won't mind at all. You might even meet girls than like your height.


"Do you play basketball?"

"No, do you play miniature golf?"

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hey - don't feel too bad. like my cousin used to say, "height makes might."


I personally love tall guys. In fact, I'm constantly turning down guys because they are too short!


I think in a few years, and especially in your 20s, you'll find that women will respond very positively to your height.

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You know, I'm just not attracted to shorter men. I feel bad. I know that there are some great short guys out there, but I just can't feel sexual attraction towards a man unless he's at LEAST 3 inches taller than me.

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hang in there man. 6 feet ain't that much... I mean, I know you're just 13... But I don't think you'll have to wait too long for girls to like your height... In the high school I used to go to (I just graduated, yuppie!), there were tons of tall guys and they didn't seem to have any trouble getting dates. In fact, I noticed most girls that were over the 5'5" (which is not very uncommon...) mark were more attracted to tall guys (over 6' tall). Don't let this get to you man... Your height will bring you respect! Yep, it definitively will, believe me, I know (I'm about 6'2", but I haven't grown much since I was like 14-15). Best wishes. Hang in there bud.

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Its prolly just your age and thats why they think 6 feet is "too tall".

Being tall is normally a huge turn on for girls later on as you'll come to realize when you're older. You should concider yourself lucky for your hight.

As for those girls, don't stress because many more will come your way. It was just one dance and i bet they were just shy.

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This may sound curt and some here may disagree, but dances at your age seem far more important from your perspective than they will years down the road. Moreover, don't knowck your height at your age because I'm 20 and still 5'4". In short, don't worry about it, a girl turning you down at a dance is far less of an ego blow than many other of life's right hooks.

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Welldone mate for having the courage to ask 5 girls consecutively maybe its that there just 13. how much shorter are you I think you will probably one day be 6ft 5 . Keep up your courage and success will come.

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I am almost 5'8", but I like wearing heels, so that probably puts me closer to 5'10". Generally, the men I am most attracted to are over 6 feet tall, and the closer to 6'5", the better!



Same here annie. And I agree I am much more attracted to tall guys. My ex was 6'4"........perfect height for me. And I've never dated anyone under 6'.

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I agree with DOC! You asked 5 girls to dance. even though you didn't get a positive response, the fact that you got out there shows you have a lot of self-confidence. For me, self-confidence + height is a great combination! I think very soon, you'll have more women than you'll know what to do with!

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Im only 13 but im almost 6 feet tall. Im about 5'11 and a quarter.


I went to a dance yesterday, and I asked 5 girls to dance. All of them turned me down because I was "too tall". How am I gonna have any chance later on if im too tall?


OK, for your age you are tall.


I guess you will grow slower soon, stopping at 6 ft +, do not worry.


Also I'm 6 ft 3 and had gf as short as 4 ft 10.


Do not worry, in a few years mature girls won't mind, and the mind and the feeling is what is important.

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When you're in high school you'll appreciate it. And that's, what, next year? I'm surprised they would say something so rude to you. In middle school girls liked tall guys too, and those are very rare.


I'm 5'9" (no heels) and I have a hard time finding guys who would be interested in me AND taller.


The guy I'm getting involved with is my height but I really wish he was 6 ft!

So no complaining, a lot of guys will be jealous!

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That's almost funny. I'm just now 17 and 5'8"ish maybe 5'9" and everyone I know really like having a boyfriend who is taller than them! Especially us taller girls.. My ex boyfriend was annoyed because I was pretty much the same height as him. He always joked about how I was taller than him... But... Yeah.. Being tall is a good thing! Don't worry! They're pmly 13! It'll will change!!

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Hey there,


though it feels like just a day ago, I was thirteen a decade ago

and let me tell you, it was rough. Puberty is a painful experience, both physically and psychologically, and for those of us who felt somewhat alienated or somehow ostricized during this critical time, this pain could feel excruciating. If you were younger I'd provide you with some sort of fairytale hope of the ugly duckling becoming the swan, but instead I'll leave you with this advice, take these traumas and hope to someday become a phoenix,

" who dares to rise up from the ash"

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