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Very first poem written by me. It's all true too. As I was sitting in bed listening to music, I thought about these things.


After a long day

Lying on my bed, tired, exhausted

I got in touch with a lesson lost

Listening to music gave me the inspiration

And the power to think more deeply


I thought of myself and the people around me

Why am I not happy? Why do I need so much?

That, however, was the dreaded confusion

Much was not needed, just vague smile or a touch

Of people who share your interest more or less


Remember the unique people?

The ones that made you feel

As if you were flying through the day?

Remember last December?

She made it go by so fast…


Remember that Friday?

When you felt you should not even be in that building?

(That place was empty, boring… boring!)

Destiny was literally right around the corner, you didn't even realize it

All at once, you wanted to be nowhere else. Your luck


Remember the other few vague occasions?

Hope put you back on your feet

It was her, not some stranger

At that moment, you felt instantly stronger



You were unique to others too

But no – you wanted more than just them

Someone unique to YOU

You wanted to pick and choose

Happiness then was nowhere to be found for you


Three times in the last six months I felt true happiness

I felt as if I could not fall… just keep going!

And it was with my unique people

Not just friends, or those interested in me

My unique people

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Wow, the irony of it all.

Today our assignment is to write a poem for English that expresses who we are.

Technically I could turn this in, but it is a little off-topic.


It's good practice to prepare me for the one I'll be writing today though.

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This is the one for tomorrow. I took the first stanza and left it the same, and I changed the rest of it:


After a long day

Lying on my bed, tired, exhausted

I got in touch with a lesson lost

Listening to music gave me the inspiration

And the power to think more deeply


Days are like mental obstacle courses

Each is unique and poses a different challenge

Sometimes it seems as if Murphy’s Law is at its best

Other times it seems as if destiny comes out of nowhere

There right by you, with a little hope to guide you ahead

(Putting your fears to rest)


And you also see other’s daily journeys

Be it their luck or misfortune

There is no room for jealousy or intimidation

There is no room for celebration

There is only room for you to learn, to grow, to become independent


I never understood people’s superficial thinking

Of how one looks, talks, walks

Or even how one embarrasses himself

It all never really seemed to matter much to me

For it’s all just part of life, you see


Too many are absorbed with that which is not important

Not noticing, they lose their grip of reality

Not noticing, they no longer notice true morality

Trying to find quick satisfaction

That fails to turn to prolonged happiness

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