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Trying to believe in myself again...

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Well, it is easy give advice but sometimes you find yourself in a critical situation as me now....I am feeling so disappointing with my attitude lately, I am repeating mistakes that I know are going to hurt me, and anyway I have done it. I just want advice because it is hard to believe that I have been my worst enemy all this time.

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hey darling, i understand being dissappointed with your attitude laetly (I get that occasionally) but remember you're human. This happeneds, but what you do about it and changing it is what gives you strength. Change your perpective, look at things from a different side...see all the good you have done, all you've overcome & the difference you have made in others life.


Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, sometimes we can be our biggest heros. You have it within you to be whatever you want to be. (cheesy but true) It's never too late to fix things.

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you know, I do that alot. Make the same mistakes over and over again, and even though I know I should learn my lesson, for some reason I just can't bring myself to not do those things! To start, it depends on what mistakes you're doing over and over again to hurt yourself. Have those in mind and think of ways you can prevent yourself from doing them. I, for instance, kept going back to a certain guy. My highschool sweetheart. We kept breaking up adn then getting back together out of habit but nothing was changing. Finally I realized my mistakes in going back to him over and over and I just initiated NC. You have to cut that part of your life out and find other things that make you feel good about yourself to fill it in. Do things for yourself, join a gym, pick up a hobby, volunteer at a hospital or something... I dunno something that interests you... hope i helped

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