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Stayed up all night posting and rummaging through stuff.

After obsessing for months about this day approaching, it's such a relief to have it here. I just wanted it over with, y'know? Because it grew way too large in my mind.

I wonder why it is that certain numbers and measures of time can mean so much. Did I just randomly pick a number at some point, set up bars of what must be done bysuchandsuch a time? Fine. I'm older. Does the number have any meaning in itself at all. Logically, I think it is the meaning we choose for it mainly. It's a measure for referring and speaking to other humans. Still. I'm 27 now which means to me in my dark guilty places I don't often admit to myself: I am not young anymore. No, not like before. This is a new phase. A new 'me'. So much has happened and changed in a few piddly years.


All areas of my life are unstable right now. Relationships (who am I in relation to family, friends, and that man who I can not seem to want to live without?). Will I have children - I should decide! lol.

Career: My work is stale. I no longer feel I using myself to reflect what I can do anymore. I need a serious change of direction. Where should I be serving now?

Education: Is formal education something I need to do? What areas will I focus on? What do I want to learn about next?

Health: Needs a re-vamp. Longer-term prevention in place now. Mental health priority. Continue with the therapy.


I have a lot to figure out. Its all grand, tho. I will find my way. Late bloomer


Have a beautiful day all who took the time to read my thoughts-to-self. Time to make some coffee.

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