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Ok, this is only my personal opinion and I'm sure you'll get lots of replies of the "whenever they are ready" type but I think over 25. In terms of time together, I think at least 6 months but better if a year or two. Again, personal opinion only but even better if they can live together for some time.

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I agree that 25 is a good age to know who you are and where you're going. You owe that to the other person, since a divorce is very painful.

A year or more together will show you both what's possible.


Marriage can be a wonderful experience. Best wishes.

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I agree, over age 25. If someone doesn't want to wait that long to get married, why not? Don't you have the rest of your lives together anyway?


I would date someone about 2 years to find out if they are a good match, or at least date a year and be engaged a year.

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I was 20, my husband was 23. We had dated for 2 and a half months. We've been married 5 years, and are happier every single day.


However, we had known each other for 2 years, had been the closest of friends, and basically knew each other as well as two people could possibly know each other. We had seen each other through relationships, good and bad. We had seen each other at our worst, we had met each other's families, and we had gone on a long road trip together (going on a long road trip and not needing more than 1 CD is one mark of a good relationship), all before we started dating. Also, we were both incredibly responsible and mature for our respective ages. We had both lived alone, independently, knew how to save and manage money, knew how to budget - in short, we were adults. We also had pre-marital counseling.


What we did wouldn't be good for everyone. My little sister is 22, and in no way mature enough to marry someone. My best advice is to seek pre-marital counseling, and be completely honest with the counselor. He/she will be able to tell you if you're ready.


Don't allow people to set parameters for what's best for your relationship. Society has set forth standards for people to follow before they're married, and now over half of marriages end in divorce. These silly parameters don't work for everyone, clearly.

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Really there isn't a certain age you should wait for. You do have to remember though that each of you are going to change. I dated my ex for 5 years, we were engaged for 4 months and then we broke up. We started dating when we were 17 and we changed so much between 20 - 22 that we no longer knew each other and had drifted apart. But it is different for everyone. My parents were married when my mom was 19 and my dad was 23 and they are working on 27 years together, and my older brother and his wife got married at 19 and they have been together for almost 6 years. So just think about the experiences you have together, and the times ahead when you will both change and the best of luck to you.

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How old? Whatever age - so I guess 18 as a minimum.


How long? 12-18 months would be my own "ideal", I think it takes about a year to know someone (and how they cope with a year's worth of life events, and stressful stuff like holidays...), but beyond 1.5 years with no talk of marriage..well..I wouldn't want to be wasting my time, y'know? I could be out there finding someone who DOES want me as a potential marriage partner.


If nothing came up about it after 2 years, I'd definitely have a Talk along the lines of "right, so where is this going?"

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