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Okay let's get to the point lol ... Like today i went for my first job training which is a camp. And we met ALL of the workers and there was this cute guy! So when he enters the place where the meeting was held, he sat kind of next to me and my friend with HIS friend (that glaced at me time to time)


So then we went to the downstairs of the camp place and we had to sit on the floor so the guy and his friend sat next to me (just like that) I felt like they were both trying to sit next to me, I don't know if it's by coincidence but thats not the end of the storie...


Then we had to do teams and meet the workers and all and work together as a team (team work) so he finished by getting in my group (lol)


Then again we did an other thing and he ended up in my group.


After that it was the break for 10 minutes, so he went to our table where we were seated three, me, my friend and my friends friend 'rachel' lol... and the guy i have lets say 'crush' on is rachels friend...


After that we had to go downstairs again. weirdly, both sat next to me. and weirdly AGAIN (lol) we ended up being in the same group. ( by the way we choose with who we want to be with... )


I catch him glacing at me, but not that much. and when his looking at me his pupils are dilated (so are his friends pupils, plus i cath him glance at me MORE then the guy im interested ... )


Okay so at lunch, he sat with us again. But he din't even tell me a word! just sometimes i laughed at his jokes but thats all... all the friggin time he talked to rachel ((who was, by the way, not very pretty. Not to be mean though...)) and his friend... that looked at me... lol


So yea... at the end of lunch we went downstairs again... he sat further from me like at the end of the room, lets say... so we had to form a group of 10 so yeah in my groupe we were more then 10 and we were saying it to everyone that came and wanted to be with us... so then the cute guy and his friend walks up to us from the other side of the room to be in our groupe, plus he could of gone in an OTHER groupe than mine... but sadly they had to go in an other groupe ...


I'm so sorry for the friggin LONG story. But could someone tell me if im dreaming or this guy is actually interested???


Im confused... Oh and I'm seeing him soon again... an other camp meeting thing.. june 3rd heehee



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i am NOT in the army!!! im a normal girl!!! in a normal school lol... its a camp like for little kids... u noo when uu have a kid and uu bring him to camp in summer. lol counsler



I'm betting he thinks the job is his personal Buffet of women, you may get hurt.

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Okay so at lunch, he sat with us again. But he din't even tell me a word! just sometimes i laughed at his jokes but thats all... all the friggin time he talked to rachel ((who was, by the way, not very pretty. Not to be mean though...)) and his friend... that looked at me... lol

You don't need to say she's not pretty, thats very rude and up to that point I was actually interested in reading your post.


Sounds like he's either shy or not interested. I'd guess if he doesn't make eye contact and acts a little nervous, he's shy. If he's not talking to you and is only sitting with you when the other friend is there, he's around because of the friend.

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you work pretty hard to see signs in everything he does, I think. That's why they could all go badly wrong, you might see him glancing at the huge fly that's sitting on your head, and you would think "OMG HE LOVES ME!!1"..


so I wouldn't necessarily get my hopes too high, there's no way you could know for sure at this point. Of course he could like you and be just shy, but in that case he won't be able to make the move.. which means you have to do it.


So it's all up to you, take the risk or never know for sure. I know I would take the risk.

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just do something and stop asking questions, the more time you waste by thinking, the more likely he'll get over you and say no when you finally find the courage to make the move. All this thinking and looking for assurance will not help you to make the move, trust me - been there done that. All it does is to make it worse, it confuses you. If you can't ask him out right now, you must put your brain to zero, stop thinking alltogether, throw caution into winds and just ask him as quick as possible.


The more you think, the harder it will get. The more time you spend thinking, the harder it will get, and the more likely he will say no when you finally do it.


Next time you see him just ask him out.. (and don't give me this "I can't do it" or "guy should ask out", if you really want it, you do WHATEVER it takes.)

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