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been a wk. what to say or do?


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Call her, give a date/time/place. Tell her its the only time you have free.


See her then (leave a message)


Go, wait, (unless she calls)


If she does call (to say she can't go) tell her oh well, It'll have to wait then it's the only day you have free bye.


If she doesn't call


You'll meet here there, and if not. You call her and tell her, it was rude of her not to tell you she wasn't going to come, and that you couldn't date someone that has no consideration for someone elses time and feelings. Good bye and good luck.


And then if she calls back (and she probably will), tell her, you're not so sure that you want to try again, but you'll give her one more chance, how about date/time/place (if she does not have a credible reason to not go call her BS and hangup after saying Good bye and Good luck, If she does have a credible reason OR attempts to reschedule with you. (notice I say attempts), say Well, I'm not free on that day, let me check my schedule next week and get back to you.)


Get the idea?


OH, and to all the girls reading this.


I am giving him the "retalitory game"


IF she would have just said she wasn't interested, or etc etc it wouldn't be needed. She's playing games, so he's gonna have to one up the game.


It's like chess.


I hate games....


Good luck Aggie

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Budman, thats a great way for him to get labeled "@sshole", games are childish and rude. She could very well have other things to do, frankly there are women that have lives and don't sit eagerly by the phone waiting for men to call.


Go get your hair cut and ask her out, be direct, say lets do this at such and such time at this place. If she's busy, ask what specific day she's available, if she gives a non-committal answer, don't bother with her again, move on to someone who has time for you.

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Ok, so what exactly would a woman be called, for giving her number out and not calling or talking to someone?


or giving out a fake number?


or... not finding 5 minutes to call and say hi within 5,520 minutes of time awake?


I only say this because I care


Stop the tyranny of sexism and double standards!


(I make friends on one side, and look like an * * * * * * * on other sides)

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it is not scheming to get back at them. It is scheming to show them a wonderful time on a date which they chose to ignore.


If they truly want to ignore the possibility for a wonderful time then what's wrong with it?


I mean a date is going out and having fun right?

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