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Women: Men like curves.


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I'm extremely offended by the generalizations. Every race has thin and curvy types. Just because you're Asian doesn't mean you're going to be as flat as a board and look like a boy.


I am Asian (Chinese) and I have bigger than average breasts and an "nice * * *." I am also 5'6" and a size 6. AND yes, I have long hair too!

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I'm sorry for coming off like that. It was late and I was drinking a little. I like caucasian and asian women. I guess I just get disappointed when I see a pretty women and the rest of her body makes her look really young(13). I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone has their own taste. I just see alot of females making fun of women with curves and it confuses me and makes me so mad.


"Oh my god beckie look at how big her butt is!"


"Watch out here comes thunder-thighs!"


I just want those that don't mind being curvy or want to be more curvy to know that ALOT of guys LOVE it.


Again I apologize for being rude.](*,)


Note: Curvy asian women better hide because I'm like soooo turned-on by them. Just thinking about them makes me shake.

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My goodness, everyone has their own opinion. why is it lately that a lot of people are getting so offended so easy. I knew what he was trying to say but for lack of better words it came out wrong. I'm not curvy, I have a small flat butt...SO, this guy wouldn't be attracted to me! SO!! Who cares if this guy doesn't like 'thin' women. I think he was trying to let women who are not skeletons know that a lot of men like that 'fuller figure' type. SO!!!

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I dislike the genera image of the type of booty that black men are into. It disgusts me.

You must be talking about big and sloppy. I'm not. I'm talking about tight and round with a flat stomach and small waist. Here's something informative for all: link removed. Here's a real fanatic with a definite goal.

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My goodness, everyone has their own opinion. why is it lately that a lot of people are getting so offended so easy. I knew what he was trying to say but for lack of better words it came out wrong. I'm not curvy, I have a small flat butt...SO, this guy wouldn't be attracted to me! SO!! Who cares if this guy doesn't like 'thin' women. I think he was trying to let women who are not skeletons know that a lot of men like that 'fuller figure' type. SO!!!

I don't think people are getting easily offended when they are being told they are not women, they look like men and they shouldn't wear nice clothes they like if they are Caucasian or Asian. It's not so much the fact that he doesn't like thin women; it is more that he is generalising, stereotyping and saying all the wrong things. He is saying that all these black and Hispanic guys don't like these women, all these women are gross and look like men and so forth. If he had just said, "I think a lot of Caucasian and Asian women aren't curvy enough for me" we would've received the same message, but it wouldn't have been offensive.


steelwool - I realise that curvy women are made fun of for being the way they are, but it isn't any better to make fun of slim women for being the way they are. They are also made fun of even if in some shows and parts of the world they are promoted as being beautiful; I've been called a stick, anorexic, a b*tch and so on just for having a high metabolism. Right in this thread when I was attempting to defend slim women, somebody accused me of just boasting and blamed me for feeling bad when she was the one who misinterpreted what was being said. It seems like there is a group of people who will judge the thin woman as some stuck-up, big-headed snob no matter what she says.


That aside, I think it is great that you want to make curvy women feel better about themselves and appreciate what they have, but I don't think putting down other people is the best way of going about it.

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Well, I'd just like to add that I find curvey women incredibley sexy too.


I think a skinny womans body isn't that attractive, it's just really straight, no shape, and no jiggly bits in the right places.

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I think a skinny womans body isn't that attractive, it's just really straight, no shape, and no jiggly bits in the right places.


The clothes manufacturers seem to assume that a lot... Whenever I find a pair of trousers/jeans my size I can't even fit them over my thighs let alone my hips. It seems like everyone believes skinny people have no curves.

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i think just like nobody should be knocked for how they are, they should not be slammed for what type they like, as long as they don't insult anyone else in expressing it.


steelwool... apology accepted. don't drink and write!


clueless... wassupwitdat? i have known many black males well and their tastes are as wide-ranging as anyone else's. you might as well have said they all like fried chicken. retraction?

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Thin people can have curves too...I agree! I am a size 4 most of the time, and am athletic and fit, but I still have curves...my "booty" is small, but it has shape and lift (lol) and trust me, I have NO issues with my cleavage. And I love my butt, and my boyfriend certainly has no complaints either. I wear a lot of spandex for cycling and/running and strangers seem to have no problem with it either..lol.


(Sheyda - I have same problem as you). I have pretty muscular thighs from cycling/running/weights but a thin waist, and most of the pants that fit me need to be squeezed over my thighs even though they aren't big, I guess designers don't consider that you can have a small waist and strong thighs..lol. Same thing with my top half though...I have to choose between wearing a small that "fits" but I pop out of, or a medium that covers my boobs but is too baggy elsewhere!


However, thin people can also be very thin and not have many curves - and there is NOTHING wrong with that either if that is the way they just ARE. There can also be bigger woman whom don't have many "curves" too.


I think women should just be the best they can be for THEM. This means being healthy and strong, eating well for not just your appearance, but for what is on your insides too. It means exercising for your own strength and health. It means learning that YOUR body is beautiful because of all it CAN do, not because of what it can or can't fit into or fill out. Sure there will be some whom don't like your body type, but there will be those whom DO...so whom cares about those whom don't? Be healthy and strong for YOU....now THAT is sexy!

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RayKay, Sheyda I commiserate, I'm a size 14 but nothing ever fits right. I don't have much of a rump, but I have muscular legs, jeans fit my waist and look fine on my legs, however, I have handfuls of fabric hanging in the back. I have never found a pair of jeans that fit me right. I can't find shirts either, they always are way too tight on my chest and my boobs aren't that big, I buy dress shirts a size larger so I don't have gaps between the buttons showing the world my bra.

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Most caucasian and asian guys "I" know aren't really into booty so... Me personally I wouldn't take what they say on they subject too serious. Since your BF likes your size that's all that really matters though.


I've been asked countless times by women how to add more shape to the basckside. I have two words for that: StairClimber.


That machine with the two pedals you put each leg on and press up and down on is the truth. I have one here at home and that thing gets the job done fast(as long as you add a good amount pressure with the level-switcher). They're pretty cheap.

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So what are you saying?


Women without big butts will lack attention from men?




Two words:

Grow up.


Sweetheart, you're only 13, and you didn't understand what he was saying, so don't get all rude and tell people to grow up, b/c that's what you need to be doing yourself.


As in reply to the post! Thanks so much! I'm athletic and curvy and you're right, many people feel self conscious about having curves. Big hips, skinny waste... lol But I'm most of the time comfortable with myself, but thanks for the reassurement!!

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i live in asia and i'm asian. i used to hate some people here (asian men or women) cuz they think i'm 'fat'. and see a lot of thin women here which they still think they're fat - i think that's crazy! and tell these girls 'if you think you are fat, then what am i?' they are tall and only weighing 40 something kg. asian men used to like skinny girls with big boobs which aren't proportion to their body and look unnatural. but none of my white, black,some other asian ( from other asian countries) friends said i'm fat. actually, they loved my body and still loving it up to now.


i don't care what these 'some' asian men and women think of me. never tried to lose weight in order to be just like these skinny girls.


i think it depends on each person if they think you're fat, skinny or exactly the kind of body they like.


i saw a lot of women with 'perect' body who doesn't attract men at all... why? because these women are not satisfied with their body and think they lack something or still fat.


love your body whatever your size is.....i'm sure there are men who'll love it just the way they are.

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one question


so are you saying youd take a fat chick with a rack over a skinny chick who's flat?


because its a rarity to be skinny and curvy/big chested booty whatever at the same time

Im not attracted to skinny or fat women. I like the in-between size.


here's an example:


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